edwdada (Ravior)
2015-09-26 11:30:34※ 引述《OPPOPOP (剪一段日光)》之銘言:
: 1. This is stupid, Westdoor is just too good for a shitty region, he's no bette
: than anyone after him.
: 太蠢惹 他只是在鳥地方稱霸 根本沒比那些在他後面的人強
: 2.I honestly don't even know what to say.............
: 老實說我驚訝到不知該說啥了
: 3.OK. Now I'm convinced they're intentionally doing this to rile people up. In other words, we're being trolled.
: ok 我現在相信官方排這些名次是故意激怒人了 換句話說 我們被troll了
: 4.Not sure if they're still pretending it's a serious top20?
: 有些不確定是否官方假裝這是認真的top20 ?
: 5.Westdoor at 12? Really? LOL
: 西門排12 真的? lol
: 6.Is this for real? This is the most biased list I've seen in my entire life. How can you justify players doing good on their team in the worst regions? I'm so fucking done with this list.
: 這是認真的嗎 這是我一生忠看過最偏頗的名單
: 你怎麼能用一個在最糟地區的優良選手表現去做判定
: 7.I actually choked on my snakcs when I read the title xD
: 我看到標題寫說西門排12的時候吃東西吃到一半嗆到了
: 8.Honestly, Rito should just stop this countdown, its getting embarrassing.
: 老實說 rito應該停止繼續公布 這名單讓人有些害臊
: 9.Westdoor shouldnt ever be above Ziv. Ziv been carrying his ass all season.
: 西門根本不該排在ziv前面 ziv carry了一整季
: 10.I can't wait for the tasty stupidity of the next rankings. I thought last year's rankings were bad but this is already next level shit.
: 我已經等不及要看下一個愚蠢的排名了 我認為去年已經排的很糟但今年還更爛
: 11.Is this list turning into a joke or are they still serious?
: 這名單是在開玩笑還是認真的?
: 12.What the fuck? This is getting insane.
: WTF 瘋了嗎
: 13.Think this is legitimately the first time I've ever "Laughed out loud"
: Let's put Westdoor. Ahead of...Ssumday. OF COURSE! Bhahahaha Riot Esports is so bad....
: 我大笑了 把西門排在恩...Ssumday前面 HAHAHA riot排的真爛
: 14.Best joke of the day. Everyone knows that Westdoor champ pool is a joke. He only knows fizz, tf and zed.
: 本日最好笑 全世界都知道西門的英雄池淺到不行 只會飛斯 逆命 劫
: 這名單有夠智障
: 16.This list loses all creditably. LMS is pure trash same level as wildcards. LOL
: 這名單一點可信度都沒 LMS垃圾的跟外卡差不多
: 17.Westdoor over Ssumday and Piccaboo... Westdoor isn't even close to the best fucking player on his team!
: 西門排在Ssumday and Piccaboo前面???? 他根本不是AHQ最強的一點
: 18.This is retarded.
: 有夠低能
: 19.what the...i honestly laughed out loud :'D
: neither me, nor any of my friends, nor monte or thorin had bjergsen on the list.
: when he appeared as no.15, i was like...meh. whatever. it's riot.
: but westdoor is even higher? like...what?!
: bjerg didn't make my top 20 but seriously...westdoor 3 ranks above bjerg is
: even more ridiculous.
: 我必須老實說我大笑了
: 包括我 我的朋友 monte or thorin 都沒把鼻爾森排在前20
: 當他出現在第15時 我覺得 恩..隨便拉 反正是RITO
: 但當西門排在更前面時 WHAT??? 太荒謬了
: 20.Come on guys, even talking just about mid lane, Bjergsen is better than
: him.
: 拜託 即使只看中路 鼻爾森也比他強
: 21.I feel like lolesport is just trolling us. This cant be serious
: 我感覺官方在TROLL我們 這不可能是真的
: 22.westdoor isnt even the 12th best mid
: 西門甚至不是世界前12中路..
: 23.Westdoor isn't better than anyone above or below him on this list. No way
: he belongs on a top 20 list.
: 西門沒有比名單上排在他後面那些人要強 他根本不該上榜
: 24.Ever since MSI basically every LMS expert I follow has been vehement about
: saying that AHQ is not the Westdoor party and Ziv and An are better than him
: 自從MSI後 我看到的每個專家說法都是AHQ不適西門的隊伍 ZIV跟小安都比他強
: 25.Skillwise in AHQ it's Ziv>An>Mountain=Westdoor>Albis. Westdoor is almost
: never a reason why AHQ wins games lol
: 技巧方面 Ziv>An>Mountain=Westdoor>Albis 西門並不是他們獲勝的原因
: 26.So with 11 players left, that means at least 6 players from this list are
: about to get shafted:
: Faker Imp Acorn KaKao GodV Rookie Smeb GorillA Meiko Deft Pawn Clearlove PYL
: Bengi Pray Febiven
: Wow.
: 所以剩下11個名額
: 這表示Faker Imp Acorn KaKao GodV Rookie Smeb GorillA Meiko Deft Pawn
: Clearlove PYL Bengi Pray Febiven 裡面會有六個被踢掉 WOW
: >>I put money on them saying GodV isn't top20... I mean the whole list has
: been such a joke already they may aswell keep it going
: 我打賭韋神不會進前20 因為這份名單就是個笑話