(p&b) I: i think ahq should have picked vayne instead of jinx.
I: 我覺得ahq應該選汎而不是吉英克絲
Kim: Tahm is known to be so bad during laning.
Kim: 大家都知道貪啃奇對線能力超弱
(2:00) I: Tahm should have leveled W first. It does 500 dmg to minions. They
would have killed golems a lot faster
I: 貪啃奇應該主點W. 這招對小兵造成500點傷害而且這樣他們可以更快地吃掉雙石像
Kim: And that would let them kill skuttle much faster also.
kim: 而且這也可以讓他們河蟹吃得更快
(8:28) CT: as always, Fizz is all about skirmishes and slowly getting big.
This enables ahq to use their westdoor split strat.
CT: 像往常一樣,菲斯需要在小會戰拿到優勢並慢慢長大,這樣能讓ahq開始使用西門的分
I: For that reason, I think fizz should go top since darius lvl is lower.
I: 所以我認為菲斯應該走上路因為達瑞斯的1v1比較差
(9:35 - huni dies) I: Huni's mistake.
I: Huni的失誤
Kim: did he think he was lvl 6?
Kim: 難道他以為他六級了?
I: not possible cuz he had to kill golems or minions, but there was nothing.
It was just his mistake.
I: 不可能因為他必須吃掉雙石像或是小兵才會升級,但那邊沒任何東西,這只是他的失誤
(10:57) I: tahm should have given that red buff to gnar. But, it was a huge
misplay from huni.
I: 貪啃奇應該把洪讓給納兒, 但是這是huni的一個大失誤
(12:00) Kim: One advantage of having Tahm is how he can kill skuttlecrab so
easily. THey've been killing crabs constantly.
Kim: 一個有貪啃奇的好處是他們能夠輕鬆地吃掉河蟹,他們已經不斷的吃掉河蟹了
(12:40) I: Olaf was ahead of elise, but not anymore. Fnatic should rely on
I: 歐拉夫曾經領先蜘蛛,但是這優勢已經沒了,FNC必須仰賴Febiven
(elise does sneak dragon) Kim: Such a good play. AHQ didn't invest anything
extra to get dragon.
(蜘蛛偷到小龍) Kim: 一個很棒的play. AHQ沒有花掉任何多餘的代價搶到
I: elise waited to see if Ori will go back mid. And when fizz is mia, darius
has to be scared.
I: 伊莉絲在等球女是否要回到中路,並且當菲斯消失的時候,達瑞斯必須感到害怕.
(14:53) I: Tahm is doing so much more than annie. He roamed, killed champ and
I: 貪啃奇做的事情比安妮多太多了.他遊走,幫助擊殺英雄和河蟹
Kim: What is obvious is Fnatic surely could not have practiced against Tahm.
Kim: 很明顯的FNC並沒有練習到如何對抗貪啃奇
(16:20 - big fight bot) I: huni misplayed. should've Q flahs'd.
Also, I think it would have been better if fizz went for sivir instead of
I: huni的失誤他應該Q閃的,必且我認為菲斯把招扔在希維爾身上會比安妮好
(17:44 - tahm saves jinx from ori) Jeon: This makes yellowstar look worse. He
has done not that much compared to tahm.
Jeon: 這讓黃星看起來更糟糕,他和貪啃奇比起來一點用都沒有
(18:15 - big fight near ahq red) Kim: Febiven was alive for a lot longer than
expected with zhonya.
Kim: 在沙漏的幫助下Febiven 存活的比想像中的還要久
I: Huni could have finished gnar off, but that fail flash bot…
I: Huni應該能夠擊殺吶而的,但是那個下路閃現失誤...
(19:50 - big fight at drag) CT: MEGA GANRRRRR!!!
I: Westdoor should really try to kill dealers instead of Annie. He kept
exchanging himself for annie. So he is behind now. He doesn't even have
zhonya and kept going for annie.
I: 西門真的應該嘗試擊殺輸出位而不是安妮.他不斷地和安妮一換一.所以他現在落後了,
(21:19) I: fizz should kill frontline first with jinx because olaf and darius
only have solaris. But sivir is so ahead of jinx.
I: 菲斯應該先和吉英克絲殺死前排,因為歐拉夫和達瑞斯只有聖輪但是西維爾現在領先吉
(22:48) I: I used top Tahm kench when he first came out.
Kim: And?
Kim: 然後?
I: Waveclear is so slow, so some poeple max W to increase his clearspeed.
But, I would rahter not play tahm.
CT: yeap, tahm is support.
CT: 是低,他是個輔助
(24:22 - darius killing kruggs) I: now with 5.19 you can't do that with new
patch. This is an indirect nerf to blitz. Viewers be aware when you solo q.
我沒看到darius,大概韓國的OB和別人不一樣). 觀眾在單排的時候要注意
(25:33) Kim: Now ahq needs to take care of Jinx and team fight at the same
(25:50 - drag) I: I don't think fizz should engage because gnar's rage bar is
(26:10 - tahm eats jinx and flash) I: this is good because jinx has flash and
ahq can teamfight again.
(小夜夜吃掉小安然後閃現跑掉) I: 這樣很好因為小安還有閃現所以ahq可以在會戰一次
(26:35 - big fight / chase) Kim: Should've just killed annie and b'd.
Kim: 應該殺掉安妮就好然後BD
I: reckless dodged lots of spells.
I: reckless躲掉很多招
(27:00) Kim: Now I think, game is almost over even though global gold
difference is small.
Kim: 現在我覺得比賽要結束了,縱使目前經濟差距不大
I: Now picking Fizz turns out to be disappointing.
CT: as always, fizz game is you win big or lose big.
(28:45) I: sivir got QSS because his flash is down. And if he gets hit by
Fizz ult, he can drop that ult fish with qss.
I: Sivir必須買水銀飾帶因為他沒閃現了,如果他被菲斯的大絕命中他可以把他解掉
(29:38) I: going in like this will be perfect for ori ult.
I: 我看來這將會是球女的完美大絕
Kim: (馬上被打臉,球女一個鳥大狀聲詞不會翻...)
I: ori landed 1 man ult cuz fizz dodged it.
I: 球女大只命中一個人因為菲斯用E躲掉了
Kim: i think this happened because Huni slightly stepped towards ahq.
CT: i loved it how tahm ate 100 hp elise and spat him out towards fnc, so
elise can stun ori.
CT: 小夜夜把100滴血的老山吞掉然後把他吐到球女前面暈住他的這個play我喜歡
(31:16) I: well now, sivir going qss is good for jinx because sivir's dmg
isn't increased.
CT: getting 3rd drag was pointless, but now ahq can control drag to create a
CT: 拿到第三條小龍影響並不大,但是現在ahq可以控制小龍並且開始滾雪球
I: If ori misses his skill once, it's game over. And fizz can melt fnc's
frontline easily.
(32:35) Kim: Before that fight in front of mid inhib, I was gonna say that I
definitely think Huni can carry games because his darius' kda is a lot better
than balls. Darius somehow got big enough and team helped him a lot.
Kim: 在那個兵營前的會戰之前,我正打算說我百分百認為huni可以carry這場比賽,因為他
But, as I was gonna say that, Huni stepped towards fnc and started that bad
(33:38) I: Fizz should try to kill fnc's frontline because olaf and huni only
have solaris. So ahq should melt fnc's frontline then slowly go forward.
I: 西門應該嘗試擊殺前排因為他們的魔防裝只有日輪,所以ahq可以秒掉FNC的前排然後慢
I'm not sure Gnar should have gone mallet & black cleaver. I think he needs
more tanky items.
CT: and even elise has liandry's so everyone is a threat.
CT: 而且蜘蛛有大面具所以現在每個人對FNC都是個威脅
I: actually now i think about it, it's good to have 2 offensive items because
ori is the only one doing dmg. Sivir went Qss with no BOTRK, so he doesn't
put out enough dmg.
(35:00 - fight at baron) I: gnar has his rage, so if fight breaks out this
can go bad.
Well, now jinx got more gold, so his items will get scarier and scarier.
I:吶兒現在有怒氣所以如果團戰爆發這可能很糟糕, 好吧,現在吉英克絲有更多的錢
Kim: Tahm is protecting jinx perfectly.
Normally adc has last whisper now, but sivir doesn't have it, so he can't
melt tanks too easily.
(37:11) I: fnatic is trying to fight because jinx has no flash, but ahq has
tham kench. also annie has no flash.
I: FNC嘗試要開戰因為小安沒有閃現,但是ahq有鯰魚,並且安妮也沒閃現
I think fnatic shouuld be patient, they are rushing it for no reason.
(37:38 - baron) I: frontline lost lots of health from doing baron.
Kim: now fnatic lost their mean of engaging.
Kim: 現在FNC失去他們開戰的手段
(38:50) Kim: AHQ showed poor plays against C9, but they woke up.
Kim: AHQ在對抗C9的時候表現得很糟,但他們現在醒了
Jeon: Showing what A tier is.
CT: we haven't seen 5 dragon until now, but it is possible.
CT: 到目前為止我們還沒看到五龍buff,但是這場有可能
(39:10) I: I think cheese really works well in BO1s.
(39:30 - last fight) CT: olaf was running in then nope'd out.
Kim: AHHHH NOOO. Ori Ori Ori.
Kim: 歐不,球女
CT: Jinx passive!
CT: 吉英克斯的被動
I: did darius not have tp? he seemed late to this fight
I: darius有TP嗎?他看起來晚到了
(gg) CT: LMS is strong.
Jeon: Flashwolves won agasint Koo and now AHQ won against fnc.
Kim: Fnc made a few mistakes and AHQ's animal instinct just popped up and bit
Kim: FNC做了幾個失誤而AHQ的野性直覺讓他們撲上去咬住FNC
(wrap up) Jeon: C9 won against you guys to go to worlds, don't you wish a
team that beat you to go higher?
Jeio: C9打贏你們取得世界賽門票,你會希望打贏你們的隊伍能夠挺進更後面的比賽嗎?
Impact: Umm.. it's complicated.
Impact: Umm...這有點複雜
I was.. I mean I am playing in NA, so I want NA to do well.