Re: [情報] Champion Reveal - Kled (技能翻譯)

作者: coolplus (cool)   2016-07-26 02:31:44
※ 引述《peter0825 (peter0825)》之銘言:
: 看起來似乎要騎上坐騎才有完整技能
: 牽制技能滿多的
: 騎上坐騎跟坐騎跑掉都有音效 很有趣
Passive: Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard
Kled's semi-trusty mount, Skaarl, has its own health bar and takes damage in
Kled's place when the two ride together. Any bonus health Kled picks up
through items, runes, and masteries also applies to Skaarl. When the lizard's
life bar is whittled down to zero, it'll run for the hills, leaving Kled to
fight alone.
When fighting solo, Kled's abilities change and he gains movement speed while
heading toward enemy champions. Kled can restore Skaarl's courage and bring
the craven critter back by attacking towers, champions, or epic monsters.
被動: Skaarl你這條他X的懦弱蜥蝪
Kled"可靠的"伙伴, Skaarl, 有他自己的體力條, 而當Kled騎乘他的時候, Skaarl會幫忙
條用盡之後, 蜥蝪會跑掉, 放生主人, 要主人孤軍作戰。
當Kled只有1人的時候, 技能會有改變, 而他走向敵方的英雄會有移速加成。Kled可以重新
鼓起Skaarl的勇氣再次上場的, 方法就是打塔/打敵方的英雄或者史詩怪。
Q (Mounted): Beartrap on a Rope
Kled throws a literal beartrap tied to a piece of rope, dealing damage to all
enemies it passes through and attaching to the first enemy champion hit. If
the Cantankerous Cavalier sticks close to the struck target for a couple of
seconds, he'll reel in the rope, pulling his hapless target towards him while
applying a slow and a decent chunk of damage. This ability deals bonus damage
to minions.
Q (騎乘模式): 繩子上的熊阱
Kled丟出一條裝上熊阱的繩子, 所有被繩子擊中的人都會受到傷害, 而第1名被擊中的英雄
會被繩子拉著。如果這名壞脾氣的騎士 (Kled) 貼近對方幾秒的話, 他會把繩索拉近, 令
被拉著的英雄拉向自己身邊並緩速, 受到傷害。這招如果用在小兵身上會有額外的傷害。
Q (Unmounted): Pocket Pistol
Kled fires his gun, blasting a wad of bullets in a target direction and
knocking himself backward.
Q (個人模式): 袖珍手槍
Kled用自己的手槍射向敵人, 向敵方的方向射出一團子彈, 並令到自己向後移一小步。
W: Violent Tendencies (Passive)
Kled's basic attacks cause him to frenzy, granting attack speed to his next
four basic attacks. The fourth frenzied blow deals bonus damage based on a
percentage of the target's max health.
W: 暴力傾向 (被動)
Kled普攻會為他帶來"狂熱", 而這個狂熱會為他之後的4下普攻帶來攻速加成。而第4下會
有額外的傷害加成, 傷害就是以對方的生命百分比來判斷。
E: Jousting (Mounted Only)
Kled and Skaarl dash toward a targeted area, dealing damage to enemies in
their path and temporarily gaining a burst of movement speed. If Jousting
strikes a champion or large monster, Kled and Skaarl can reactivate the
ability to dash back through the struck target, again dealing damage.
E: 馬背射擊 (騎乘模式限定)
Kled和Skaarl衝往目標區域,被他們撞的人會受到傷害, 而他們會暫時獲得移速。如果被
撞的是敵方英雄/大型怪物的話, 他們能再次啟動技能, 飛奔回來再撞1次對方, 令對方再
R: Chaaaaaaaarge!!! (Mounted Only)
Kled and Skaarl charge toward a targeted location, building up a shield and
boosting the movement speed of allies in their wake. Skaarl will home in on
the first enemy encountered, ramming them to deal damage as a percent of the
target's max health.
R: Chaaaaaaaarge!!! (騎乘模式限定)
Kled和Skaarl朝向目標位置, 建立一個盾牌。而友軍如果在他們畫定的路線走會有移動速
度加成。Skaarl會撞向最先接觸到的敵方, 扣敵方一定的最大生命值百分比的傷害。
看起來有些招會騎動物, 有些就不會
10分鐘後沒人翻就開翻 ==> 翻譯完成
翻得不好/有錯的見諒 (半夜翻可能有看錯QQ)
作者: fallengunman (未成眠,霜空已曉)   2016-07-26 02:35:00
沒座騎的 E 不知是啥
作者: y35246357468 (小銀)   2016-07-26 05:24:00
作者: darren800922 (^Simple^)   2016-07-26 06:08:00
像吶兒+1 感覺互相對線很好笑
作者: smallpig0903 (大豬)   2016-07-26 10:32:00
作者: noproblem226 (好好照顧自己。)   2016-07-26 14:35:00
Q 掉出->丟出 好像比較好?

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