Group A) ROX 1st G2 2nd
ROX is favored, but G2 has a chance to beat ROX.
最看好ROX 但是G2也有機會打贏ROX搶下小組第一
Group B) 1)SKT (1st or 2nd) 2)C9/FW
SKT has a higher chance of taking 1st, but its possible for C9/FW to take first.
SKT有比較高的機會拿下小組第一 但是C9跟閃電狼也有機會以第一出線
Group C) EDG/H2K 1)EDG 2)H2K
EDG has the advantage, H2K has a decent chance to take 1st.
EDG比較有優勢 H2K也有不錯的機會爭取第一
Group D) I don't want to predict our group and jinx it. If we end up winning,
we would live up to expectations. If we lose, lots of redditors will remember
this and hold it against us for quite sometime. Let's keep the TSM hype to
only our subreddit haha.
我不想預測我們小組然後帶來霉運 如果我們贏了 會達到大家的期望 但是如果我們輸了
論壇上很多人會記得這件事然後黑我們一段時間 就讓我們把炒作TSM的事留在我們板上就好
Our players and staff are honestly doing everything we can to win and there
would be no feelings of regret if we do lose.
As the owner, I would be happy regardless of results, there hasn't been any
season so far where we've sacraficed this much to win. I am so proud of our
players. Hopefully the results of our practice can translate to stage.
我們的選手和後勤團隊為了勝利真的都竭盡所能 所以如果輸了也不會感到後悔
身為老闆的我 不管這次的成績如何我都會很高興 因為到目前為止 我們從來沒有一年為了
勝利犧牲這麼多 我為我們的選手感到非常驕傲 希望我們能把訓練的成果呈現到舞台上
Again, thanks so much for the support you guys have given us. Without the fans
and the sponsors, we would not have this opportunity.
再次感謝你們給過的所有支持 沒有粉絲們和贊助商 我們沒有這個機會站在舞台上