※ 引述《Turas (゚д゚)》之銘言: : 來源:https://goo.gl/wby32C : 重要公告:大家好,我們非常遺憾和心痛的通知各位,由於家中突發重大意外,在迫不得已 : 的情況下EDG俱樂部LOL分部的LPL冠軍上單選手Mouse(陳宇浩)不得不離隊並退出本屆S6 : 全球總決賽並立即返回他的家鄉。我們對此感到非常遺憾,俱樂部全體人員將會盡我們所 : 能和Mouse一起共度難關。在本屆全球總決賽剩余的賽程當中,EDG將會帶著Mouse的夢想 : 和大家的期許全力以赴。也希望大家能為我們加油鼓勁,感謝大家! : 好像家裡出事情,目前不知能不能補及誰補。 EDG Worlds Roster Update 來源 http://www.lolesports.com/en_US/articles/edg-worlds-roster-update reddit討論 https://redd.it/5767an It’s our sad duty to confirm that Yu-hao “Mouse” Chen will be returning to China to address the loss of a family member, as confirmed by the team and verified with documentation for League officials, and thus will be unable to participate in the remainder of the 2016 World Championship. Per Worlds rules, Edward Gaming is permitted to replace Mouse with a player from their season-ending active roster, and will have Yang “Koro1” Tong as that replacement. (規章略) Koro1 was on EDG’s roster through the summer, and meets all eligibility requirements to play; he will be available to play starting in EDG’s quarterfinal on Saturday, October 15th. The family has requested privacy with which to mourn their loss. Our sincerest condolences go to Mouse and his family. 大意: 我們很難過Mouse家裡遭遇如此變故,Koro1將會取代Mouse在10/15的八強賽中登場 Koro1上一次比賽是在4/23...希望可以儘快進入狀態