[情報] Nerf項目、厄薩斯改動 @Meddler 紅帖

作者: fkc (Mr. 男子漢)   2017-02-19 13:22:23
R社鯉魚王 Meddler 在 2/16、2/17 分別有兩篇紅帖
說明下周改動與 7.5 patch 的方向
_(°ω°」 ∠)_
Quick Gameplay Thoughts: Feb 16
Hi folks,
Figured I'd try something different for the next week or so and, when I've
got a bit of forum time, spend a chunk of it putting together a quick post
about some of the things we're currently thinking about or working on. These
posts won't be comprehensive, or go into all the details, but are instead an
experiment in getting quick updates out regularly. Feedback on the format
YO~ 我們來聊改動!
7.5 改動
We've been doing some balance planning for patch 7.5 in the last couple of
days. Particularly noteworthy targets include likely nerfs to Edge of Night
and Varus and continuation of work on Fizz and Blade of the Ruined King that
wasn't ready in time for 7.4.
過去幾天開始進行 7.5 的平衡計畫
包含 Nerf 夜色緣界、法洛士
持續進行的 菲斯 和 殞落王者之劍 的改動
目前這些變更不會在 7.4 上線,可喜可賀。
Practice Tool 練習工具(沙盒)
In addition to its other benefits practice tool has also resulted in some
really comprehensive bug reports from some players which is highly
appreciated. Player investigation into an MF bug that cropped up in ESports
recently for example made getting a fix in for that much quicker and smoother
than it would otherwise have been (we didn't have to spend anywhere near as
much time digging into exactly what was going on and could get to finding a
solution quicker).
玩家利用練習工具(沙盒)協助確認了好運姊的大決 Bug
「真是太好了」 by R社 ヽ( ゚ ∀ 。)ノ
Defensive Items 防禦項目
We're currently testing taking a moderate amount of power amount out of
defensive stats on items (Health, MR, Armor) and adding some of that to base
stats on Vanguards, Wardens and Juggernauts at least (possibly some others if
testing goes well, to be determined). Goal there is to make it so those
classes that need to be a certain level of tankiness to function in the first
place get to that point more consistently, while also not becoming close to
immortal if they get too large a lead. Showing some promise and some
potential problems, but definitely looks worth further testing as a possible
mid-season change.
Non gameplay: Zaun stories 佐恩的故事
I'm a bit behind, but finally got round to reading through a bunch of the
Zaun stories that went up on the Universe site recently. For anyone
interested in that side of things I'd particularly recommend checking out the
Mundo piece, really enjoyed that one despite a lack of previous interest in
Mundo thematically:
Meddler 推薦大家去看蒙多的故事,網址在下面。
Quick gameplay thoughts: Feb 17
Hi folks,
Another set of current thoughts here. Previous set can be found at the link
below. These should be pretty frequent, but certainly won't happen every day.
Length is also likely to vary a lot too. Also important to mention that these
aren't remotely comprehensive - they're quick notes on some things we're
thinking about, not a full list of every gameplay change going on.
YO~ 昨天講完一篇,今天再來講一篇
Aatrox 厄薩斯
We've got some Aatrox changes that should be hitting the PBE early next week.
Those are balance/game health changes, aimed at putting Aatrox into a better
place until we can get to a larger update for him at some point.
Main changes there are:
Shifting the passive to a windowed one (proc that grants AS/AD and revive if
off CD for a duration, with some downtime). Goal is to offer periods of
comparative strength and weakness (lot of the issues we've had with Aatrox's
game health have been due to the nature of his revive passive)
(FKC: 老實講,我真心看不懂他到底改三小,上色期待有緣人)
Removal of % health costs, probably a flat health cost on E. One of Aatrox's
big issues is that he's pretty feast or famine, stat checking people hard
with a drain tank pattern or just dying. Giving him the flexibility to build
defense more (health) without getting as punished by his kit for it gives
some good fallback options/alternate builds.
移除(E)的消耗固定 %數生命,改成消耗固定生命
Changing the W heal so it's not dependent on his AD, or as extremely
different above/below 50% health. Ties in with the build path options above,
with a % missing heal looking like a fairly likely mechanic.
(W)的恢復 改成不吃AD係數,或者以半血(50% HP)為基準進行更動
恢復 % 數失去生命,目前看起來是一個比較可行的機制
More details and context next week.
Someday support possibility 輔助改動可能性
One idea we've been kicking around a lot recently is that we should
potentially be giving support power in non gold means more. As a position
support has some pretty different gameplay. At present it also earns
noticeably less gold than other positions, resulting in reduced feelings of
agency. Something we're interested in exploring at some point though is
giving alternate forms of power, rather than increased gold (other ways to
earn specific stats or unique items?).
7.5 Visual Changes 視效改動
Along with other gameplay changes in 7.5 we're also aiming to ship a number
of things that should improve the visual quality of LoL in small ways.
Current list (more details coming next week) looks like:
沒有錯啦! 就算到了 7.5,還是要改視覺特效啦!
Better communication around the recall state for champions/skins without
recall animations
Adjusted tooltip color scheme in game, slight layout tweaks
Corrections to make certain spell indicators always draw over the top of
terrain regardless of height differences (should always see Panth R or Zyra R
for example)
Making more spell indicators not show in spectator or to allies (e.g. the
ring around Varus E on the ground's meaningful to enemies and Varus, but
allies and spectators don't need that level of precision)
A quick sizing pass on a few champions and skins (adjusting outliers up/down
to where they should be relative to other champions' height).
Edge of Night 夜色緣界
We're going to see if we can pull a nerf for Edge of Night forwards into 7.4,
or at least do a low risk hotfix the same day 7.4 hits. Urgency on that feels
high enough at this point we don't think we should wait another patch. Most
likely changes (still being discussed) are increasing the CD again and
lowering the AD on it. Possible whatever changes are made will be temporary
as well if the conclusion during 7.5 development is a different nerf is
better long term.
打算在 7.4 進行夜色緣界Nerf
或者,至少在7.4上線同一天進行低風險的 Hot Fix
對於夜色緣界的表現,團隊認為不能再等到下一個 Patch 了
最有可能是再次提高冷卻時間,並降低 AD數值
無論什麼改動都可能只是暫時的,除非到了 7.5 又有其他 Nerf 打算
『你 End 了嗎? 你怎麼忍心? 』
『看看可憐的厄薩斯吧 https://goo.gl/1ucMOF』
_(°ω°」 ∠)_
作者: SanyaMyBride (\桑妮雅最高/)   2017-02-19 13:40:00

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