Let’s talk about Team Alpha’s next project, the mysterious mystery wrapped
in mystery, Evelynn! While Evelynn’s archetype as a sexy shadow assassin has
aged well, we feel she can be greatly improved if we rebuild her from the
ground up. The first thing we want to address is Evelynn’s kit. Our three
big design goals with Evelynn’s kit are to solidify her as the Assassin she
was meant to be (not the diver she has become), add a bit more more
satisfaction on ability use, and increase her game health. Specifically, we
want to make her map presence less oppressive in the early game. We think
PermaStealth is a cool and unique trait, so we don’t plan on removing it but
we do think there is a healthier version of it that will allow us to shift
power elsewhere in Evelynn’s kit.
Rito 認為 Eve 應該要是 Assassin[刺客]
但是現在都被玩得像 Diver [潛水員(X) 侵攻者(O)]
( ′▽`)σ)′3`) 『還不謝主隆恩~』