1.The next Rift Rivals should be NA vs China and EU vs KR. Riot must respect
the region's strengths and match strong regions vs strong regions and weak
ones vs weak.
(下次洲際賽應該要是NA vs CN, EU vs KR, R社必須要考量到各區的實力讓強的打強的弱的打弱的)
2.Hey maybe China was Sandbagging for the past 2 years all along!
3.Score: SKT can you please let us win something?
Faker: No.
Score: Not even Rift Rivals?
Faker: No.
(幫Score QQ)
4.KT = Korean Team
SKT = Shitty Korean Team
6.LMS went to game 5...LCK went to Game 4....what could this mean..