[閒聊] ESPN: Dignitas 無緣繼續參戰 NALCS

作者: Simon951434 (鮭魚喝飽了 ^0^)   2017-10-15 23:51:16
Sources: Dignitas' League of Legends Championship Series franchising application declined
Team Dignitas will not participate in the 2018 North American League of Legends Championship Series season following its franchising application being declined by Riot Games, league sources told ESPN.
有人偷偷告訴 Jacob Wolf, Dignitas 不能繼續參加 2018 NALCS 了。
Riot Games began notifying phase two applicants of the status of its application on Tuesday, with calls going through Friday evening, sources familiar with the process said. Team Dignitas was not the only existing team in the league to be notified of its removal, sources said. Reasoning behind the declination has yet to be disclosed.
Riot 從當地時間週二開始到週五傍晚,聯絡第二階段的申請者(想要參與 2018 NALCS 必須繳交第一階段的書審資料,經過篩選後還有第二階段的面談),告訴他們採用與否。Dignitas不是唯一現有隊伍當中被通知移除名單的組織。
Team Dignitas will be entered into a pool for compensation for an exit fee, alongside the other teams that participated in the 2017 Summer League Championship Series and Challenger Series split, according to aiot Games explainer. Dignitas will be rewarded a minimum of six shares in that pool, three for each split since Dignitas' ownership change in fall 2016. The dividends will be calculated based off the extra $3 million buy-in fees paid by each team that is entering the league for the first time.
Existing teams that are accepted into the franchise era will pay the standard $10 million, which means they will not contribute to the exit fee pool.
這裡是說明如何補償被移除名單的隊伍。想要更了解可以參閱 Riot 發的新聞稿, https://goo.gl/HYfGS6 ,版上好像還沒有人翻譯,裡面就是說明審核隊伍的進程概況,還有提到 NALCS 會確定維持10隊。
One of those new teams, Golden State Warriors owner Joe Lacob and his son Kirk, wereccepted into the leaguen Wednesday, sources said. The Lacobs will have to pay $13 million over several years to enter the league: $10 million as a flat buy-in and the $3 million for replacing an existing franchise.
這裡版上有發搜尋勇士便可看到,或參閱這篇 https://goo.gl/NYhRpR 。金州勇士(NBA籃球隊)的老闆,Joe Lacob 和他的兒子 Kirk,在當地時間週三確定能進軍 2018 NALCS。
Dignitas will be forced to sell or terminate the contracts of AD carry Benjamin "LOD" DeMunck and jungler Lee "Shrimp" Byeong-hoon, whose contracts extend into the 2018 season, in order for Dignitas to be entitled to its exit fee from the league. The remaining player contracts will end on Nov. 20, the day before the opening of the transfer period for the 2018 season.
Dignitas 因此被迫出售或終止 LOD 和 Shrimp 的合約。其他隊員將會在今年轉會期的前一天恢復自由身。
Riot Games announced in June that it would be reformatting the North American League Championship Series for the 2018 season to include permanent ownership, an academy league and revenue sharing. The league received more than 100 applicants, sources said, spanning from those who previously participated in the league, sports team owners, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs.
The applicant list was narrowed to a shortlist in September, known as phase two, that saw ownership and executive staff of those applicants travel to Los Angeles to meet with Riot Games and review their application.
這裡是簡單介紹 2018 NA LCS 的演變,想知道更詳細的可以參閱 https://goo.gl/n7oH1f ,還有前面提到的 https://goo.gl/HYfGS6 。
Team Dignitas is one of the four active remaining founding teams of the NA LCS. With this exit, only Team SoloMid, Counter Logic Gaming and Team Liquid (formerly Team Curse) remain as the original organizations. The league started in February 2013 and has seen organizations enter and leave through relegation and promotion, as well as the sale of rosters and league slots, over the past four years.
The parent organization of the Philadelphia 76ers and the New Jersey Devils, Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment, acquired Team Dignitas and Apex Gaming in September 2016. Team Dignitas was the first esports organization to be acquired by a sports team ownership group, rather than one participating member. With the acquisition, those two brands merged, with Apex Gaming's League Championship Series slot rebranded as Team Dignitas, who were relegated from the league earlier that year.
最後除了提到去年九月 Dignitas 的所有權人轉為費城76人(NBA籃球隊),還提到 Dignitas 和 TSM, CLG, Team Liquid (前身為 Team Curse) 是 NALCS 的四元老。
再會了, Team Dignitas
Team Dignitas, the Philadelphia 76ers and Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment declined to comment. Riot Games did not respond to request for comment.
最後附上 reddit 鄉民的反應 https://redd.it/76feg6
大家不妨來一起猜猜 2018 NALCS 的最終名單吧
作者: juke22983848 (隊友永遠都讓我傻眼)   2017-10-15 23:55:00
考筆試是三小? 題目是怎麼個出法?
作者: blacksam0525 (四尾)   2017-10-16 09:09:00
我感覺DIG都沒啥宣傳自己家選手 比起其他隊來說有點路人隊

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