Galio's Q...Really guys.....
由於本週更新,加里歐的 Q 傷害大漲
逼得 Rito 的遊戲分析師不得不出來解釋這個狀況
I think maybe he was suggesting that the damage was so high that it must be a
bug, and therefore should be reported elsewhere. Pretty clever. :)
覺得加里歐的傷害太高,就來檢舉 BUG,這招真的好棒棒:)
It is not a bug, for what it's worth. We're closely watching his performance
and will decide if he needs a micropatch before the weekend.
這不是 Bug,我們非常密切關注加里歐在遊戲中的表現
並且會決定是否要在周末之前,給他來一記 Hot Fix
When playtesting him, we settled on his optimal build being a 1-2 AP items
into a tankier build. Full AP was tested but in competitive games with
similar skilled players (our playtest team) it was very volatile and had less
success. Think it's yet to be seen which is the best way to play him for pure
winning's sake. It was certainly intended to be a buff for players that
wanted to be aggressive but it's possible we went to far in letting him blow
people up. Winds of War may not be able to carry so much of his offensive
內部測試加里歐的時候,我們設想加里歐的理想 Build 應該是
1-2 件 AP 裝,然後轉坦裝
純 AP Build 是有經過測試的;但是,在實際對戰情況下
所以,這樣的 Build 被認為並非是佳里歐最佳的出裝方式
他的 Q 的確不該造成如此巨量的傷害
原來是測過的啊! ヽ( ゚ ∀ 。)ノ 擺出《前進高棉》的姿勢!