ddgs (庫伯)
2018-02-12 09:08:07※ 引述《yiwangneko (活了一百萬次的貓)》之銘言:
: https://twitter.com/TLOlleh/status/962595637995880449
: There are still haters who wanna keep making my image worst from lms.
: 還是有酸民想要持續抹黑我在 LMS 的形象。
: Shit i decided to say nothing cuz i didnt wanna attack any people although
: they told lies about me on public.
: X的,我那時選擇閉口不言,因為我不想要傷害任何一個人,雖然他們在大眾面前對我
: 情說了謊。
: The haters, you will never imagine how fking hard i was at that time.
: 酸民們,你們永遠無法想像我那個時候處境他X的有多麼艱難。
: I almost killed myself.
: 我幾乎要自殺了。
: ==
: *更新 Olleh 在下面的回覆內容
: For haters
: 給酸民
: 1. I got trick by contract so i had to play one year more otherwise i had to
: pay big money.
: = This is why i helped players as an agent to join good team cuz i didnt wan
: to let them face same situation i had.
: 1.我之前被合約耍了,所以必須多打一年不然我就要付很多錢。
: = 這也是我願意當仲介幫助選手加入好隊伍的原因,因為我不希望他們陷入跟我當時一
: 的情形。
: 2. If you are famous your will be able to ruin other people's life by tellin
: lies on public?
: = I will never use my fame to attack any people.
: I wanna use my fame to help other people cuz if i am more famous , i will be
: able to help more people.
: 2.如果你很有名的話,你就會有能力藉由在大眾面前說謊來毀滅另一個人的人生嗎?
: = 我永遠不會利用自己的名氣來攻擊任何一個人。
: 如果我更有名的話,我想要用自身的名氣幫助別人。我能夠幫到更多人。
: 3. The worst part is that someone who said shit about me on public haven't
: told the truth although i talked to them after shit happened.
: Have you ever felt that whole world blame you with things which were not tru
: Yea i turned to be fake person by one day.
: 3.最糟糕的是─某人曾經在公眾說謊抹黑我,一句真話都沒有。雖然我在事情發生以後
: 跟他們聊過了。
: 你是否有過這種感覺──全世界都在責怪你,即便盡非事實?
: 好啊,我有一天也會變成虛假的人吧。
: 4. One day i was fking sick and sent messages to my teammate "i am sick so i
: wanna take a rest. Can you tell our manager? "
: And the manager just sent messages to me to join scrim cuz i didnt sent
: messages to him directly.
: I was late cuz of that. But sakd like i am lazy af? lol
: 4.有天我生了他X的超重的病,然後傳訊息給隊友「我生病了,所以我想要休息。你能
: 帶話給我們經理嗎?」
: 然後經理就傳訊息給我,要求我參與團練。原因是我並沒有直接通知他。
: 我因為這件事兒遲到了。不過你因為這件事說我很懶惰?呵。
: 5. When tzuyu got punishment cuz she used taiwanese flag , i posted on fb
: that i support her and taiwan.
: Then the manager sent messages to me " you get in trouble now ."
: I replied " you are taiwanese, cant you stand with me? "
: He: nope i cant help you.
: And i got threatened a lot
: 5.當子瑜因為她用台灣國旗而遭受處罰之時,我在臉書上貼文聲援她與台灣。
: 然後該經理則傳訊息給我,「你現在有大麻煩了。」
: 「你是台灣人,難道你不能跟我站在同一陣線?」我如此回應。
: 他:「不不,我不能幫你。」
: 然後我就被大大威脅。
: Its past but the haters have been trying to kill me so hard.
: My facebook messages were full of bad words in korean english mandarin.
: But i decided to take care of haters with love.
: I love you although you hate me.
: Please see who i am before you say bad words of me. Please
: 一切都是往事,不過酸民們曾試圖把我狠狠殺了。
: 我的臉書訊息曾充斥著髒話,韓文、英文、繁體中文都有。
: 然而我選擇用愛面對酸民。
: 我愛你們,雖然你們恨我。
: 在你們罵我之前,請好好看清楚我是怎樣的人。拜託。
: *更新 Destiny 部分
: I didnt introduce "destiny" to the team.
: I didnt know him at before.
: When he posted i left comment that i can give you advice.
: So he added me and we talked.
: I promised him to help him as i can do.
: He is my friend's friend.
: So i started to take care of him.
: 我並沒有引薦 "Destiny" 到該隊。
: 我之前不認識他。
: 當他PO文的時候,我留言並告訴他我能給予他建議。
: 於是他加我好友,我們有了交談。
: 我跟他保證我會盡我所能幫助他。
: 他是我朋友的朋友。
: 因此我開始照顧他。
: Sorry i really cant endure so many bad messages.
: It's okay to send messages about my poor or bad performance.
: But please dont insult me as a human being.
: I didnt kill any people and i didnt do any crime.
: the pen is mightier than the sword.
: Please dont kill me
: 抱歉我真的無法忍受如此多的壞話。
: 可以傳訊息罵我的爛表現,但請別羞辱我這個人本身。
: 我沒殺人,也沒幹壞事。
: 文字相比長劍要鋒利多了。
: 請別殺我。
作者: shepherdhunk 2018-02-12 09:24:00
作者: maniac854539 2018-02-12 10:08:00
椅子酸小雲公車 歐雷根小雲都分了 跟椅子也和解了真要說椅子那個墮胎仔也有份 還多開副本結果你懷疑是弄歐雷弄比較少的椅子?
作者: iamnofeeling (鄉下人家) 2018-02-12 11:17:00
作者: roc168168888 (馬鏡) 2018-02-12 14:31:00
起手勢 先說我X粉