[閒聊] Reddit:8.4版本的指揮旗幟-砲車開出來!

作者: StephenChou (123)   2018-03-03 14:01:50
原文: https://tinyurl.com/y9r277dm
以下節錄一些吹捧砲車的Reddit memes。
1. when comparing ur teammates to minions is an offense to the minions
1. 把你的隊友比做一隻小兵,對於小兵而言是種羞辱。
2. I love this so much, Braum now shout stand behind me... cannon
2. 我愛死這個了,現在布朗姆會喊"砲車,躲在我後面!"
3. Alistar does heal minions, including and especially the cannon minions
3. 牛牛的被動可以幫小兵補血,特別是砲車。
4. Pop that redemption to heal it.
4. 也可以出個神石幫補。
5. Legit destroys towers faster than a trist.
5. 推塔比炮娘更快。
6. Can we get a damage done graph for minions now?
6. 我們可以在傷害結算時看看小兵的輸出有多少嗎?
7. How to stop the empowered cannon minion? Kill the enemy team.
7. 如何阻止強化砲車? 把對面全宰了。
8. There will be no empowered Bannon minion if you destroy the enemy nexus
before Baron spawns.
8. 如果你在巴龍出現之前破了對方主堡,你就不用擔心強化砲車了。
9. Blitz and Thresh can pull it into turret range, or even into team to kill
readily in Blitz's case. Tahm can also grab it with his one combo.
Moving it to where the enemy team can't defend it is likely the best way to
handle it if no dematerializer is available.
9. 機器人/瑟雷西可以把砲車勾進塔內讓塔或隊友把他幹掉,或用貪啃奇也可以。
10. if you still have unused materializer's at that point in the game you're
doing something wrong
10. 如果你直到現在還沒用過小兵去質器,你犯下了錯誤。
11. Syndra grabs it, ryze ults syndra to tower side of nexus, thresh lanterns
her over, she throws it at fountain.
11. 星朵拉握住小兵,雷茲開車載她回溫泉,雷西丟燈籠,成功地把砲車扔進溫泉塔。
12. Enemy team dives the adc, team yells, peel for the cannon!!!
12. 當敵人集火AD時,隊友喊道:"保護好砲車!"

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