[閒聊] Reddit: 那些突然出現的Clash旗幟

作者: Jeffrey11061 (Jeff)   2018-06-05 10:33:15
標題: 那些突然出現的Clash旗幟快讓我發瘋了
前言: 主要是在討論Clash開放之後會在線上突然出現的Clash旗幟
原文: https://www.reddit.com/comments/8o0a2z/
[+] Same here lmao. Why don't they just pop up before minions spawn
[+] I wasted flash because of it once.
[-] The first game I played after those flags were added,
it just happened to be the case that the opposing jungler was J4.
Needless to say I freaked the fuck out when the flag dropped.
[-] I was standing very close to it and they had a Kayn lol
我曾經站在旗幟旁邊,而對面的JG是慨影 LOL
[+] I remember the first time it popped up a while ago I tried to flash
away from it. Got a lot of mia pings.
[+] Riot always say they're for clarity and against visual noise,
but then they implement so much of that noise intentionally.
Rito 總是說他們努力嘗試消除視覺上的雜訊,但卻故意做了這樣的一個東西
就算現在已經知道了,對線對到一半還是會被嚇到 = =
作者: ultradoublez (冰音)   2018-06-05 10:50:00
第一次看到也嚇到 對面jg慨影 想說怎麼一直龜牆壁不出來= =

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