sck921 (The Fate)
2018-10-10 23:15:00幫補一下剛看到的一個討論串。
I think the biggest reason why EU always outperforms NA is that NA teams hope
they can win when EU teams know they can win. The confidence and aggression
in playcalling really makes you see the difference. Great game by Vitality.
我覺得 EU 總是比 NA 要好的原因是,
NA 的隊伍「希望」他們會贏,而 EU 則「認為」他們會贏。
>> I think it's having an identity.
EU decides to play by their own meta, instead of copying what works
What is NA's identity? What's their meta? So much of top level NA has
been imports, importing coaches, copying (all the way from C9 in Season 3
getting massive by straight up copying every KR pick).
EU 決定他們自己的 Meta 而不是抄別人的。
NA 的特點是什麼?他們的 Meta 是什麼?
太多頂端的 NA(隊伍)都是抄別人的,教練、戰術都是。
從 S3 賽季的 C9 開始,透過複製韓國的一切模式來獲得成功。
意思大概是 NA 抄別人的打法,所以打不贏原創隊伍的,大家覺得呢?