(LoL) [ptt.cc] [閒聊] Reddit: 世界賽隊伍團練乳
※ 引述《HaiTurtle (海龜小幫手)》之銘言:
: https://redd.it/9kzuhc
: 2. Currently Gen.G is trying out two junglers in scrims. While winrate with
: one jungler (prob Ambition) is just about average, winrate with the other
: jungler (Haru) is rocking through the roof.
: 目前GEN有在團練嘗試兩位打野,其中一位的勝率普普(可能是安掌門),另一位勝率
: 很高(Haru)。
Haru勝率很高? 連EU#2都打不贏 還是換安掌門吧
: 3. Afreeca is the KR team doing great against CN teams in scrims. While laners
: are doing ok, spirit is playing like an animal.
: AFs在團練中對上中國隊伍打得很好。線上打得還行,而雪碧跟猛獸一樣神。
非洲這支團練另LPL頭疼的隊伍 G2都可以屌虐
G2 >>>>>>>>>>> LPL ???
雪碧今天的塔莉亞 1/1/0 KDA:1 猛獸???
: 4. Aside from Fnatic, western teams are not so hot right now. However, current
: Fnatic seems better than the Fnatic from 2015, sources say.
: 除了FNC之外,西方隊伍狀態都普普。FNC今年可能比2015年還強。
EU#2 #3 強到爆炸......
: 5. PVB, a team representing Vietnam, could possibly be the TPA of this world,
: sources say. With some exaggeration, they have the potentional to be in
: top 4.
: PVB可能是這屆世界賽的TPA。講浮誇一點,他們有前四的潛力。
你跟我說這隻PVB有4強的潛力???????? 不要污辱TPA好嗎