fkc (Mr. 男子漢)
2018-11-13 20:30:58Don't let all the contract negotiations and roster moves distract you from
the fact that Echo Fox released their players 5 hours prior to the roster
deadline, which effectively doomed the players from any real chance to
negotiate with another team.
Seriously, I used to love Echo Fox and their charmful owner. But ever since
they kicked Fenix and Altec without any warning, Echo Fox has become one of
my least favorite brand in LCS.
I really don't want people to forget what happened. They can't get away from
pulling shits like this.
Read Fenix's reaction here
─ Echo Fox 在轉會註冊截止前五個小時無預警地將選手釋出。
─ 這讓選手完全沒有跟其他隊伍協商的空間,甚至有可能直接毀掉選手的生涯
─ 遭釋出的選手 Fenix,也接受了訪問
─ Fenix 也在報導中提到,"他們就忽然把我給釋出了。"
─ 沒有任何原因和跡象,只由一句簡單的「我們來談一下(Let's Talk.) 」開頭
─ 接著, Fenix 就被告知要被釋出了
─ 沒有詢問他參加二隊(青訓隊)或者其他職位的意願,也沒有任何其他安排
─ 當初 Fenix 的合約中,有註明若表現不好,隊伍可以釋出他
─ 由於他當初的合約是從 Gold Coin United 賣到 Echo Fox 的
─ 因此,當時他也沒有什麼談判空間
─ Fenix 甚至在訪問中開始懷念 TL 的 Steve,認為他是無人能及的好老闆
║When I was in Team Liquid, although the terms in the contract weren’t that
║good, Steve cared for me really well. Steve was a credible person. He didn’t
║get rid of the players like Echo Fox did. He added terms that were good for
║the player in the contract and raised my salary a lot in a very cool manner.
║Now I realize that there’s no owner as good as Steve is.
在這事情之前, Echo Fox 的社群形象是散發著聖光的
另外,目前 Riot 的反應是......毫無反應。
以前 Pobelter 還是 Aphromoo 好像也有遇過轉會期快結束才被釋出
* 我沒有追整件事情,如果有遺漏麻煩補充
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiヽ( ゚ ∀ 。)ノ 擺出《前進高棉》的姿勢!