Re: [戰棋] 9.16版本預告:新血統+四新英雄

作者: jacky1990b   2019-08-01 02:30:24
※ 引述《rhox (天生反骨)》之銘言:
: 來源:
: 簡單翻譯:
: 這些東西會先上PBE伺服器,然後在八月14號更新9.16版本。
: 新血統:Hextech
: 2/4位海克斯科技英雄在場上時,在戰鬥開始時會隨機使敵人2/4件裝備無效,
: 以下四位新英雄都是海克斯科技英雄
: 新英雄:
: Camille
: Class: Blademaster
: Tier: 1
: Ability: Hextech Ultimatum – Camille roots and damages her auto-attack
: target and her abilities will focus this new target.
: Meta: Ideally, Camille can single out an enemy and help her team focus fire
: them down. Explicit external control over AI’s targeting is a new
: effect, and we’d like to see players consider who they want to target
: on the enemy team.
名稱: 卡蜜兒
職業: 劍士
等級: 1
能力: 海克斯結界,卡蜜兒的普攻會造成定身跟額外傷害。
策略: 理論上,卡蜜兒可以將一個敵人孤立出來,並讓友軍集火秒掉他,給予AI一個明確
: Jayce
: Class: Shapeshifter
: Tier: 2
: Ability: Thundering Blow & Transform Mercury Cannon – Jayce knocks back a
: target and then changes to ranged, gaining max attack speed for a
: few initial attacks.
: Meta: Jayce is able to break up the enemy front line fairly early on in the
: fight, a premium and rare effect in TFT. Jayce also has particularly
: low mana cost for a shapeshifter (50).
名稱: 杰西
職業: 變形師
等級: 2
能力: 變形戰槌,杰西會把一個目標擊退,並得到額外射程,同時在最初的幾下攻擊中
策略: 杰西可以在剛開戰時就突破對手的前排棋子,這在戰棋是十分罕見且珍貴的技能,
: Vi
: Class: Brawler
: Tier: 3
: Ability: Assault and Battery – Vi finds the furthest possible enemy and
: launches at them, knocking aside all in his path. When she reaches
: the target, it is knocked up and damage is dealt to it.
: Meta: Vi provides back line access on priority targets, but on a mana delay
: unlike Assassins. This is a powerful effect that we think the game
: needs a bit more of, as currently it is almost entirely monopolized by
: Assassins.
名稱: 菲艾
職業: 武鬥家
等級: 3
能力: 火瀑連擊,菲艾鎖定距離自己最遠的目標並開始衝刺,擊退路徑上所有敵人,
策略: 菲艾提供了狙擊敵人後排角色的機會,但她不像刺客可以立即跳上去,而需要等待
: Jinx
: Class: Gunslinger
: Tier: 4
: Ability: Get Excited – Jinx gains attack speed after her first elimination
: and after her second, she begins dealing AoE damage on auto-attacks.
: Meta: Given Miss Fortune's channeled ultimate, she can't functionally serve
: as the premier AA DPS gunslinger. Jinx will offer ramping AoE AA damage
: through Fishbones, in contrast to Draven's ramping single target damage
: - but she will be particularly squishy for high risk and reward.
名稱: 吉茵珂絲
職業: 神射手
等級: 4
能力: 狂躁,吉茵珂絲會在擊殺一個敵人後得到額外攻速,而在擊殺第二個敵人後,
策略: 定位與好運姐的爆發輸出和瑞文的單體傷害不同,吉茵珂絲可以提供穩定的範圍輸
作者: drinkmywater (愛喝水的學生)   2019-08-01 11:06:00

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