Talon Esports
37分鐘 ·
當然,我們並沒有忘記我們的隊經理!過去他曾擔任MAD Team 主教練、助理教練;AHQ助
理教練以及職業選手。教練時期展現了優異的溝通協調與規劃戰術能力, 近年培育出不少
。 讓我們歡迎-土龍!
We can't forget our team manager as well! Previously the head and assistant
coach of MAD Team, assistant coach of AHQ and ex-pro player, introducing TL!
His experience as a coach, ability to cultivate players and excellent
leadership skills are invaluable. We are very fortunate to have him lead the
team in Taiwan, please show some support!
英雄聯盟 最強聯盟Best League Yang PoJen
五樓blsy4300145出來說說為什麼不自己貼= =
是因為是自己所以害羞了嗎= =
恭喜當經理= =
所以有小道消息第十隊是哪隊了嗎= =