Kongyue Uniboy,為了答謝你們在入圍賽的精彩表現,我們決定在下個賽季赦免你們的迷因。LUL開玩笑的...沒有你們的支援,塔龍沒有辦法來到世界賽的這一步。真的很感謝你們的努力,也為我們PCS賽區能有這麼棒的才能感到十分驕傲。接下來就由我們接捧了,請你們放下心盡情地休息和觀賞剩餘的賽事吧!
Kongyue, Uniboy, for your amazing service during play ins, you are both exempt from next year's memes during the PCS splits. LUL - all jokes aside, thank you very much. You guys were amazing and we couldn't have made it this far without you both. Please sit back and relax, we'll take it from here!
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