[閒聊] brTT Twitter 抱怨沒人想跟他們團練

作者: fishpill (魚丸XD)   2021-05-19 09:18:44
brTT Twitter:https://reurl.cc/qmyxdR
文內是葡萄牙語 5/18發的 我看不懂
不過外國網站 dotesports 有翻譯成英文
"It's incredible how the international teams interact with Brazilians in
social media to gain engagement, but they don't want to scrim with us at
Worlds or at MSI," brTT tweeted. After some negative reception from fans,
the bot laner called out those who continued to defend the international
"They don't want to scrim with us at Worlds or at MSI"
"他們在世界賽或 MSI 時不想跟我們團練"
內文還有提到他們打野 Cariok 在某次採訪裡說
"Only practiced against teams from the Wildcard"
大概是想嘴說 會與巴西粉絲互動吸粉 卻不想跟巴西隊伍練習
(以同組不約原則、撇除外卡來看,應該是指 RNG、DK、C9 的某隊)
作者: FncRookie001   2021-05-19 09:24:00
好了啦 PGG也沒有是在該三小自己soloQ那麼爛還怪沒人跟你團練真的 幹嘛跟鑽4團練還可能被洩漏戰術
作者: kamisaki0320 (KamisakiZ)   2021-05-19 09:29:00
跟他們團練血虐要練什麼東西 練快速發貼圖嗎
作者: FncRookie001   2021-05-19 09:47:00
沒吧 應該是DK不團練 藏到都忘了怎麼打比賽了
作者: beatboxa0710 (beatsnake)   2021-05-19 21:31:00
作者: qazwsx855193   2021-05-19 23:41:00
明顯在說rng啦 互動不少

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