FB 版本來了!
給所有關心 Unified 身體狀況的粉絲們,這是我們的正式公告!
簡言之, Talon Unified 的身體經醫生會診後確認可以參賽今年的世界賽!
與此同時我們真的非常感謝各位對 PSG Talon 及對 Unified 的關心,原裝車這次確定會直
To our PSG fans curious about Unified's health, we have an official announcement
In summary, Talon Unified is in good health and will be able to attend WORLDs as
our ADC!
Thank you for all our fans for the concern and questions. We hope to represent o
ur region as a fully built car!
#pcs #lol #worlds #soarwithtalon