y12544 (禾子可可)
2021-10-22 23:13:06https://twitter.com/sOAZ/status/1451562157137608717
After a year of coaching with LDLC they've allowed me to talk to other teams
for 2022
I want to compete as a player again and looking for LEC/LCS/LFL offers. No
highly motivated shotcaller bullshit, i want get back to LEC/Worlds
在執教一年後,LDLC 允許我和其他隊伍談論 2022 年的選擇
我想以選手的身分再度在賽場上競爭,我在尋找來自 LEC/LCS/LFL 的合約。沒有什麼
「我是很有動力的 Shotcaller」之類的屁話,我只是想重回 LEC/世界賽