y12544 (禾子可可)
2022-04-28 19:10:22https://twitter.com/AstralisLoL/status/1519614982664642562
1,5 years
3 splits
Endless Trundle and Skarner bans
Countless laughs
Today, one chapter ends, and another begins. Thank you for everything,
Astralis 發布推特,宣布打野 Zanzarah 離隊的消息
As u guys know Astralis allowed me to explore options for the next split! It
was a good 1.5 run but its time to ff and go next)) Looking for any
opportunities. U can contact me through dm or [email protected]
RT is respectable)
(picture to draw attention)
Zanzarah 也在推特發文求職
根據前 Upcomer 記者 anonimotum,AST 的下個打野人選是目前在 IMT 的 Xerxe