CNJ Esposts Vietnam proudly announce: Shogun & Taki, the remarkable Botlane
Duo in MSI and WORLDS 22, will continue the contract with the team for 3 more
years. Let's wish them all the best & love for future career with CNJ!
CNJ Esports(前 Saigon Buffalos)發文,與下路選手 Shogun 和輔助選手 Taki 續約三
Officially 1st greeting from DH.CNJ to all the beloved and loyal fans of SGB,
also the Vietnamese & international LoL community!
Today, we want to wish Happy birthday to Froggy, the spiritual pillar of SGB,
follow with the 3-years-contract with CNJ!
CNJ Esports Vietnam proudly announce: Bean J, our beloved jungler will
continue to extend his contract with team until 2025. Please wish him all the
best for his future career with CNJ!
而 CNJ 前幾天也官宣和打野選手 Bean J 及中路選手 Froggy 續約三年