剛剛英文台賽後訪問,主持人問 Stixxay 是如何應對 PSG
Stixxay:Well, we play versus PSG a lot in scrims.
And they kinda ran us.
So we knew that they're really strong, especially their botlane.
Umm... So that's why there is like 2, 3 adc ban every game.
Their botlane was just really strong.
Yeah we kinda targeted at them and it worked out for us.
Stixxxay:我們跟 PSG 團練了很多把,他們算是屌虐我們吧。
所以我們很清楚 PSG 非常強,尤其是他們的下路線。
所以每場遊戲都會有 2-3 ban 針對他們的 ADC 角色。
是啊,我們算是有刻意針對他們去 BP,結果奏效了。