[情報] 拳頭對LCSPA五大訴求的回覆(四個NO)

作者: zxc906383 (無無)   2023-05-31 10:52:56
The LCSPA has made several requests – here’s how we’ve addressed them
I also want to address the five demands from the LCSPA, with the responses that
we also provided the LCSPA today:
LOL職業聯賽的全球負責人Naz Aletaha
Institute VALORANT style promotion and relegation between LCS and NACL.
Expanding the league in order to implement a VALORANT-style visitor slot system
would run counter to our existing partnership model with the 10 LCS teams who pa
id ~$10M per slot to compete in the league. It would dilute LCS teams’ equity a
nd put considerable downward pressure on the amount of revenue (our “League Rev
enue Pool”) that we share with the teams. More teams in the pool would dilute t
he revenues that we share 50% with our teams under the partnership model. Given
the challenging macroeconomic climate, expanding the league is not a good idea a
t this time.
Riot guarantees LCS minimum contracts for the following year
for five players who win NACL Summer Finals.
Guaranteed LCS contracts for winners aren’t a necessary component of a healthy
developmental league. LCS teams are in the best position to decide who should ge
t a shot. We will continue to discuss initiatives to connect LCS to NACL players
like we have in place with Scouting Grounds. Players should rise to the LCS bas
ed on merit, potential, and team fit rather than an artificially forced mechanis
m, and our focus will be on finding ways to increase the flexibility and mobilit
y of that movement rather than forcing it.
Institute a 3/5 continuity rule to provide players on released NACL rosters firs
t priority in maintaining their slots in the upcoming NACL season if a majority
continue to compete together.
Teams provide greater continuity and structure, and therefore we will continue w
ith our policy of slot ownership residing with organizations rather than players
Riot commit to a revenue pool for player salaries of $300,000 per NACL team, per
This ask is for multiple millions in subsidies for the NACL. That simply isn’t
sustainable – and to be brutally honest, it shouldn’t be necessary. We have ot
her Tier 2 leagues around the world which thrive on their own, and we believe th
e NACL can get to that place too.
What we will do is help the North American scene through this transition. So, as
I mentioned above, we will be investing in a bridge period by providing a speci
al, one-time payment of $300,000 to the NACL’s Tournament Operator (Rally Cry)
to support NACL teams during the transition to the new structure.
我們在世界各地還有其他的 2 級聯賽,它們依靠自己的力量蓬勃發展
我們相信 NACL 也可以達到那個水平
Allow LCS orgs to partner with affiliates for cost-sharing.
We’ve seen examples of partnerships between pro teams and Tier 2 teams across t
he globe result in greater upward mobility of pros and more sustainable Tier 2 e
cosystems. That is why we already, and will continue to, allow affiliate relatio
nships to exist between teams in LCS and NACL (for example, Golden Guardians & A
rea of Effect).
Riot允許LCS隊伍與其他機構如業餘隊伍或大學合作(Aka. 共同營運)以減輕隊伍負擔

[Sources] LCS staff
作者: AdmiralAdudu (嘟嘟嚕都大都督)   2023-05-31 11:25:00
帶薪罷工 媽的一群爽人欸 難怪不好好練習
作者: jackjoke2007 (jjk)   2023-05-31 11:25:00
領錢罷工 法國人以你們為恥
作者: JustBecauseU (ki)   2023-05-31 11:49:00
作者: NankanAvenge (amuse)   2023-05-31 15:43:00
罷工有錢拿的是指賽事工作人員吧 不是選手

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