[情報] 瑞士制階段各賽區總戰績

作者: zxc906383 (無無)   2023-10-29 20:36:14
It's time we finally ask the question whether LEC should still be considered a m
ajor region when they have the same winrate as vietnam.
Regional swiss stage game record.
1. LCK 17-8 = 68%
2. LPL 19-11 = 63%
3. LCS 7-9 = 43.75%
4. LEC 8-19 = 29.6%
5. VCS 2-5 = 28.57%
1.韓國LCK 17勝 8敗 勝率68%
2.中國LPL 19勝 11敗 勝率63%
3.北美LCS 7勝 9敗 勝率43.75%
4.歐洲LEC 8勝 19敗 勝率29.6%
5.越南VCS 2勝 5敗 勝率28.57%
作者: Lostinthecho (kshsJW)   2023-10-29 20:49:00
冷知識 pcs一場都沒輸

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