我們非常榮幸宣布與上路選手 Azhi (黃上鋕) 和教練 CorGi (程品倫) 完成續約!
過去一年 Azhi 的進步大家有目共睹,期盼始終勤奮努力的 Azhi 能於賽場上再次證明自己
CorGi 多年的執教與帶隊經驗是團隊重要的基石,無論輸贏總是扛起隊伍、帶領大家迎接每
新賽季歡迎兩位 PSG 成員攜手再戰 2024!
Azhi and CorGi re-sign!
We'd seen the rise of Azhi in PCS together, and we can't wait to see him pop off
more again!
CoriGi has been a pivotal part of the team, and we are looking forward to more v
ictories with him!
Welcome again!
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hi #CorGi