In an official press release, Riot Games has now confirmed the destination of th
e LCS 2024 Summer Finals, which will be hosted in Los Angeles at the YouTube The
ater, located within the Hollywood Park entertainment complex in Inglewood, Cali
fornia. Per information shared with Sheep Esports, the venue is set to feature a
5,000-person seating capacity, one of the historically lowest capacities for an
LCS Finals ever. In addition to this news, the LCS has now confirmed that its S
emifinals and Grand Finals, both of which will take place at the venue, will be
hosted on September 6th and 7th respectively.
LCS的夏季決賽將在洛杉磯的YouTube Theater
它坐落在NFL球場SoFi Stadium內(全球最貴球場,耗資55億美金蓋的)
One of the Smallest LCS Finals Venue Ever
Presenting around 5,000 seats for LCS fans to attend the Championship, the YouTu
be Theater is also set to be one of the smallest venues to ever host an LCS Spli
t Finals and will prove to be a massive downgrade from last year's 16,755-person
capacity at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ during Summer and 20,000-person
capacity at the PNC Arena in Raleigh, NC during Spring.
YouTube Theater容量約5000人
2023春決 PNC Arena(NHL卡羅來納颶風主場) 20,000
2023夏決 Prudential Center(NHL紐澤西魔鬼主場) 16,755
Not counting the years impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, this venue will also r
epresent the smallest ever Summer Finals venue since 2014's PAX Prime finals, me
aning that this will be the smallest summer roadshow of the last 10 years.