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2024-10-23 16:32:53原文來源:
FLY教練,同時也是前選手的核彈鴨 NukeDuck 在八強賽後接受訪問,談東西方隊伍的
差距說得很不錯耶,分享一下~ 翻譯感謝一下GPT大神
Do you think your performance at Worlds this year could mark a resurgence for
the West?
Nukeduck: Yeah, I think we have some things that are better for us. Of
course, we have some major disadvantages, like our solo queue is worse and
our scrim opponents all year are worse. So, in a completely standard game, we
’re worse than them, which is our downfall against Eastern teams. However,
we have creative players, and as a staff, we work very hard to find ways to
trip them up. We have a very open-minded group, so I think that helps a lot
with that.
Nukeduck: 是的,我認為我們有一些優勢。當然,我們也有一些主要的劣勢,比如我們的
Should other Western teams take inspiration from FlyQuest's run this year? Is
this the way for the West to contend in the coming years?
Nukeduck: Yeah, I think at least a little bit. A lot of pro players get stuck
just watching what Eastern teams play and then copy it without understanding
why it's good or figuring out why something would work or not. Their drafting
isn't perfect at all. For me, Gen.G is the best drafting team from the LCK,
or at least the one I resonate with the most. But blindly copying them is
definitely not a winning strategy, and it might not help you improve that
much either.
Nukeduck: 是的,我認為至少可以學習一點。很多職業選手會陷入只看東方隊伍玩的東西
他們的選角並不是完美的。對我來說,Gen.G 是LCK中選角最好的隊伍,或者至少是我最