[情報] 拳頭共計花2.5億鎂拍《奧術》

作者: zxc906383 (無無)   2024-11-06 23:35:26
But for all that talk of its aspirations, Riot has virtually nothing to show for
it beyond “Arcane,” which sources revealed will have cost the company approxi
mately $250 million to produce and promote over 18 total episodes, making it far
and away the most expensive animated series ever on streaming or linear TV.
Sources familiar with details of the production pegged the cost of the first nin
e 40-minute episodes at north of $80 million; the second batch of nine about to
air has a price tag approaching $100 million
But even more eyebrow-raising than the production cost was that Riot spent $60 m
illion of its own money to promote the first season of “Arcane,” exponentially
more than a studio would typically spend for a show it isn’t distributing — a
nd far more than Netflix itself spent
While “Legends” costs nothing to play, the lion’s share of the estimated $3 b
illion in topline revenue Riot generated last year comes from the sale of “skin
s,” or virtual merchandise sold in-game, a common source of revenue for many li
ve services in gaming.
作者: alan82212371   2024-11-06 23:47:00
奧術還得很多獎 很值得啊 希望第二季一樣神
作者: NankanAvenge (amuse)   2024-11-06 23:55:00
然後不多分一點錢給電競 很拳頭
作者: rinrinrin920 (學店VT豚)   2024-11-06 23:55:00
賽區都快死了還把錢都花這邊 哈哈拳頭
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2024-11-07 00:03:00
做動畫可能真的比辦比賽有用吧 奧術觀看數會比LOL總決賽少嗎?辦比賽和做動畫都是遊戲的廣告宣傳阿只是真的花超多錢就是了2.5億鎂做日本動畫能做個100季差不多 一季花個250萬鎂約快4億日圓
作者: lzyamos99032 (lzyamos99032)   2024-11-07 04:09:00
世界賽MV不找Fortiche做 一個新英雄反而找他們做世界賽MV找其他工作室模仿奧術弄了坨大便 笑死
作者: ginopun10477 (大腿牌)   2024-11-07 10:28:00
作者: AdmiralAdudu (嘟嘟嚕都大都督)   2024-11-07 10:35:00
一堆井蛙發言真的會笑死 沒看過好東西缺乏鑒別能力

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