※ 引述《bluecloudie ( 飛一個~*)》之銘言:
: 我今天收到囉!
: 大家快回家注意一下包裹,
: 是DHL送來的~
: 但包裝有點落漆,
: 一顆鏡頭移位了~
I'm in Taiwan and I haven't received my shipping info yet.
Please let me know if there is news or tracking info. Thanks!
Lomography 回覆如下
@Wei Cheng - Unfortunately you responded to the survey too late to be in our
current set of shipments. But we will of course ship your rewards to you as
soon as we can now that we have your delivery information.
似乎是之前有封survey response email...而我比較晚填所以導致還沒有出貨...
還沒有收到的人 可以找一下信箱是不是有回覆了
如果都沒有收到 建議到kickstarter留言問問
原本要拿來當生日禮物的相機 直接變成聖誕禮物了XD