※ 引述《sake0504 (小巫)》之銘言:
: 今天網站的付款選項可以正常支付!!!
: 應該不會有不能刷的卡了吧?
原信就不放了 總之得到的回覆是
According to the credit card company, this credit card payment problem
occurred because the credit card company temporary raised security level due
to concentration of same amount payment from foreign countries at midnight in
Japan time.
As a result, many of transactions were not accepted.
We unlocked the security at 10:00 am Japan time today, and all the 4 credit
cards (VISA/Mastercard/JCB/AMEX) should now work for the package tour fee
Please kindly try your payment once again from your My Page.
因為短時間有多次同樣款項 在半夜時間從海外匯到日本
所以讓信用卡公司暫時提升安全等級 就擋掉不少支付了(可以解釋為啥晚點就不行了)
在今天日本時間10點已經解除 VISA/MASTERCARD/JCB/AMEX應該都可以付了