kaoh08 (AIR -the 1000th summer-)
2015-04-03 03:33:49Apple today seeded the seventh beta of OS X Yosemite to developers, three days after seeding the sixth OS X Yosemite beta and two months after releasing the first OS X 10.10.3 beta.
The new beta, build 14D130a, is available for registered developers through the Software Update mechanism in the Mac App Store and through the Mac Developer Center.
已註冊的開發者可以在app store或develop center更新。
In today's beta notes, Apple has added Safari and Mail as focus areas for testing, in addition to previous testing areas that include Wi-Fi captive networks, screen sharing, and Arabic/Hebrew system languages. The known issues section lists just one remaining issue with missing thumbnails when using Time Machine to restore a Photos library upgraded from Aperture.
這次的更新作中在Safari和mail, 還有之前的wifi, 螢幕分享, 和阿拉伯系統語言。已知
的問題有從Aperture升級的photos library,以time machine 還原時造成的縮圖失遺。
OS X 10.10.3 includes several new features, like the Photos for OS X app. Designed to integrate with iCloud Photo Library and the Photos app on iOS, the Photos for OS X app is a replacement for both iPhoto and Aperture. Reviews have suggested that while Photos is a suitable replacement for iPhoto, with more advanced tools and performance optimizations, it may leave professional users disappointed in its initial incarnation.
10.10.3更新包含了Photos app以及其好多好棒的功能balabala...
Along with the new Photos for OS X app, earlier OS X 10.10.3 betas have introduced a redesigned emoji picker that consolidates emoji into a single scrollable page with clear labels, new diversified emoji and emoji skin tone modifiers, new flag emoji and updated emoji for the iPhone, iMac, and Apple Watch, and support for Google 2-step verification when setting up accounts in System Preferences.
With the fifth and sixth OS X 10.10.3 betas, there were just two minor bug fixes, and today's update likely includes similar small changes. Given that we're on the seventh beta, OS X 10.10.3 is undoubtedly getting close to completion and we may see a public release of the software in the near future.
Apple Seeds Seventh OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite Beta to Developers, Public Beta Testers