kouta (Kk)
2018-12-07 03:06:59Microsoft announces Edge browser based on Chrome
coming to Mac in 2019
Edge was Microsoft’s solution to completely replacing Internet Explorer as the default browser on Windows. When Microsoft launched its new Edge browser, it was only made available on Windows 10, but now, with an upcoming release, Microsoft is bringing its browser to the Mac.
As reported by TechCrunch, Microsoft Edge will be available on macOS in an upcoming release. This is in part due to Edge moving to the open-source Chromium platform. This is the same platform used for Google’s Chrome browser.
Microsoft is also decoupling Edge updates from Windows updates, bringing faster updates to those on Windows. Today’s update also brings the Edge browser to those still on Windows 7 and 8, in addition to preparing for a macOS release.
Unfortunately, macOS support isn’t happening anytime soon. There aren’t any previews or betas for users to test for now. Microsoft expects a developer preview to be available early next year.
昨天才看到微軟計畫之後在 Windows 推出基於 Chrome 的 邊緣人瀏覽器,
雖然現在 Edge 早已在 App Store 上架一段時間了,
但 iPhone 用戶實在沒什麼理由特地用 Edge,除非是想與眾不同。
若新 Edge 帶到 Mac 後能增加某些網頁的支持度的話,是很有幫助的,
但若因為基於 Chrome 而少了這個優勢的話,就又是脫褲子放屁了。