Re: [問題] CEIBS R2 interview

作者: doublelayer ( )   2015-01-29 13:08:08
※ 引述《doublelayer ( )》之銘言:
: 請問版上有人有和CEIBS面試過了嗎?
: 我下禮拜就要以skype接受面試
: 還不知道interviewer是哪位
: 還請接受到interview的朋友們分享一下經驗
: Thanks! :)
跟大家分享一下面試內容 :)
Interviewer: Roy Chason and Yvonne Li
1. Please quickly go through your resume.
2. Why did you choose startup company over bigger companies for your first job
3. What's your contibution to the company
4. How did you(company) deal with the pressure from VCs?
5. Why CEIBS why Shanghai?
6. What are your short term and long term goals?
7. Why MBA now?
8. Where else did you apply to? Why?
9. Q&A
作者: lugolugo (2015 MBA )   2015-01-29 14:32:00
Thanks for sharing !
作者: bps   2015-02-01 20:08:00

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