※ 引述《PaulOneill (籃球場上的拿破崙)》之銘言:
: 我覺得不需要去做造神運動
: pedro固然是好投手,也是百年難得一見的強投
: 但是他的巔峰期就是97~03而已,若要比RJ的成就和壓制性
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Pedro Martinez 2005:
217IP 208K 47BB 19HR 148 *ERA+
Put a fork in him, he's done!
What a washed up bum!
2. What do you mean Randy Johnson has better career counting stats?
Could it possibly be because he's pitched 4more seasons than Pedro?
No frakking way!
: 比predo強多了。還有一點,Predo的WHIP雖然很低
Apparently, I made a mistake. The pasta sauce is "Prego".
I googled "predo"... I havne't taken in French in years... I think it's
a French Coffee brand? I haveno idea.
: 但那是因為不容易被打安打,並不代表他控球好、BB少
If I read another DIPS thread I'm going to blow my own fucking head off.
: 看他的生涯紀錄,BB/9大於4.5以上的有幾年????
Well, none during his peak years.
: 這代表一件事,就是Predo的球有速度、有尾勁
Never seen Pedro change speeds. Never seen Pedro change delivery angles.
: 狀況好的話,安打和四壞都很難出現
: 但狀況不好,或許還可以靠蠻力降低被打安打的機率
: 不過也很容易被打者等四壞保送,因為一個控球中等的投手
: 通常都是看當天狀況吃飯的,相信這點沒人反對吧?
: 所以要說Predo是史上最強的右投,說真的我不同意
Best career value, no. Best peak?
: 因為他的控球可能連史上前十的右投都排不上
Name 10 better Right hnaded pitchers.
Right now I've got
Walter Johnson
Cy Young
Pete Alexander
Roger Clemens
Tom Seaver
Greg Maddux
Christy Mathewson
Bob Gibson
Come up with 2 more.
If you want to count Satchel Paige I'll let you.
: 但不可否認,他的確是一位好投手.
: 真正的強投,應該是像Curt Schilling這種控球、品行、球威都是一級投手
I do love Curt Schilling.