dufflin (怨憎會 愛別離 求ä¸å¾—)
2009-03-22 14:33:59: Colin Wyers, "The root"
: Part 1
: http://www.hardballtimes.com/main/article/the-root-part-1/
: Part 2
: http://www.hardballtimes.com/main/article/the-root-part-2/
Part 3
這篇論其實際比較像... 第二點五篇? XD (方法的問題當然很重要,可專門開
一篇在講這個... 讀起來實在挺累人。 lol)
... So instead of looking at these results and concluding that fielding
percentage is not a significant measure of fielding performance, a lot
of very smart people instead decided that fielding is not a significant
part of playing baseball. This is not a consequence of regression, this
is a consequence of not doing it correctly.
"This is what my regression says" is not a defense of the assumptions
made when creating the regression. You are responsible for what goes into
your regression, and so you're accountable for what comes out of your
regression. It's as simple as that. If advanced econometric techniques
are capable of the role they've played in our current economic downturn,
they can certainly make mistakes on how much baseball players should be
paid. ...
: 裡頭又是經常忘記、又是通通忘記的,顯然又是篇不真正棒球文。
: 第一篇介紹了兩種評估的方法(marginal-revenue-product 以及 free-market-
: return),第二篇則用方法一試算了一下,其間並穿插說明相關背景知識、不同評
: 估方法各自面臨的侷限、跑回歸時要有的心理準備等。