As you probably know, back on Aug. 30, Aubrey Huff began wearing his lucky
red thong with rhinestones that spell “PAPI” on the waistband. Well, it
turns out Papi is the name of the company. And the good folks there must be
loyal Extra Baggs readers, because they became aware that their product was
being touted for its superstitiousalicious powers.
So, totally unsolicited, they sent three huge dress-size boxes filled with
thong underwear in every color of the rainbow to AT&T Park, ATTN: A. Huff. No
joke, these boxes stood 3 feet tall. And Huff became a giddy, thong-flinging
Santa Claus this morning, distributing them to everyone in the clubhouse.
(“What’s that, Buster? You asked for a bicycle? Well, sorry. Santa brought
butt floss instead.”)
So yes, the “Rally Thong” is now a team-wide concept. But Huff is sticking
to the original. The Giants are 25-12 since he began wearing it, after all.
從8/30 Aubrey Huff穿上他的幸運紅內褲開始