[影片] 2010 highlight 投手及打擊

作者: user043 (朝夢想邁進)   2010-11-06 18:21:51
http://tinyurl.com/2cb7r9h Carl Crawford hit .307 and scored 110 runs in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/25cbgzl Jayson Werth batted .296 with 85 RBI in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/2b96l5v Pat Burrell smacked 20 home runs in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/24c2m74 Johnny Damon batted .271 with 51 RBI for the Tigers
http://tinyurl.com/25x9vas Ordonez batted .303 and scored 56 runs in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/2c68n2w Andruw Jones batted .230 with 19 home runs in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/2d744cb Juan Uribe hit 24 home runs with 84 RBI in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/247y8q5 Orlando Cabrera smacked 31 doubles while batting .263
http://tinyurl.com/2dqjyox Hudson hit five triples and 24 doubles in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/27pkvq6 Derek Jeter batted .270 and scored 110 runs in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/28yfojg Cristian Guzman hit .266 with 26 RBI in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/2wfwwqa Brian Fuentes posted a 2.81 ERA with 24 saves in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/3ya43kc Kerry Wood had a 3.13 ERA with 49 strike outs in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/3xkqbts Craig Counsell batted .250 with 21 RBIs in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/39pa3t6 Rafael Soriano converted 45 saves in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/349upex Hiroki Kuroda struck out 159 batters in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/3y5uguw Cliff Lee won 12 games with 185 strikeouts in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/2v6po9k Jake Westbrook won 10 games in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/3439ur9 Jon Rauch got 21 saves with 46 strike outs in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/3xxts3m Javier Vazquez struck out 121 batters in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/32dmem9 Kevin Millwood struck out 132 batters in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/34d3kph Andy Pettitte posted a 3.28 ERA in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/329n4nl Mariano Rivera got 33 saves with a 1.80 ERA in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/2vtdgwq Carl Pavano won 17 games with a 3.75 ERA in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/37cfn4l Trevor Hoffman notched his 600th career save in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/2b2zqj7 2010 Highlights: Crawford .307 打擊率 110 打點
http://tinyurl.com/2dleuy4 2010 Highlights: Werth .296 85分打點
http://tinyurl.com/23zwu8o 2010 Highlights: Burrell 20支全壘打
http://tinyurl.com/298emp5 2010 Highlights: 大門 .271 51分打點
http://tinyurl.com/23mhkps 2010 Highlights: Ordonez .303 56得分
http://tinyurl.com/2cfz2aq 2010 Highlights: Andruw Jones .230 19支全壘打
http://tinyurl.com/28g9fr8 2010 Highlights: Juan Uribe 24全壘打 84分打點
http://tinyurl.com/23pm3wu 2010 Highlights: Cabrera 31 二安 .263 打擊率
http://tinyurl.com/23wozy5 2010 Highlights: Hudson 5支三安24支二安
http://tinyurl.com/2fm87jc 2010 Highlights: Jeter .270 打擊率 110得分
http://tinyurl.com/2fslpfb 2010 Highlights: Guzman .266 打擊率 26 RBI
http://tinyurl.com/25s2q5h 2010 Highlights: Fuentes 2.81ERA 24次救援
http://tinyurl.com/274hbcw 2010 Highlights: Wood 49次三振 防禦率 3.13
http://tinyurl.com/2el37nf 2010 Highlights: Counsell 打擊率 .250 21分打點
http://tinyurl.com/2crs9pe 2010 Highlights: Rafael Soriano 45次救援
http://tinyurl.com/37m2586 2010 Highlights: Kuroda 159次三振
http://tinyurl.com/36s37dp 2010 Highlights: 小李飛刀 185 次三振
http://tinyurl.com/2frt89r 2010 Highlights: Westbrook 拿 10勝
http://tinyurl.com/29rrb8y 2010 Highlights: Rauch 21 SV 46 次三振
http://tinyurl.com/28babwb 2010 Highlights: 洋基 Vazquez 投出 121次三振
http://tinyurl.com/39lrzbs 2010 Highlights: Millwood 投出 132 次三振
http://tinyurl.com/28atogs 2010 Highlights: 派派防禦率 3.28
http://tinyurl.com/2u2efz4 2010 Highlights: Mo 神 33 SV 1.80 ERA
http://tinyurl.com/2vxftlj 2010 Highlights: 痛痛人 17勝 3.75 防禦率
http://tinyurl.com/3aagz4o 2010 Highlights: Hoffman 第六百次救援成功
作者: rex9712340 (簡阿軒)   2009-01-06 18:44:00
作者: EEERRIICC (大尾魯蛇)   2009-01-06 20:00:00
作者: sgheart   2009-01-06 20:40:00
作者: EEERRIICC (大尾魯蛇)   2009-01-06 21:19:00
作者: twoseeds (Twoseeds)   2009-01-06 21:33:00
作者: jaysuzuki (我要成為核心王)   2009-01-06 21:41:00
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作者: eric2003002 (卡瓦格博)   2009-01-06 22:05:00
作者: sunalmon (阿莫 )   2009-01-06 23:11:00
是很兇沒錯啦... 不過有些有三奶噎XDD
作者: WuAShan (是誰住在深海大鳳梨裡)   2009-01-06 23:23:00
小小郭 +1
作者: jchao (只想罩)   2009-01-07 14:32:00

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