[情報] Giants Offer $1MM Contract To Renteria

作者: beckseaton (沒有運動會死)   2010-12-11 13:00:09
WS MVP只值1M Cesar Izturis都有1.5M了...
The Giants have offered Edgar Renteria a contract in the "Pat Burrell range"
of one year for $1MM, reports John Shea of the San Francisco Chronicle. If
Renteria really does have two other options on the table, San Francisco will
probably have to bump its offer up a bit, despite the mutual interest between
the Giants and their 2010 World Series MVP.
As MLBTR's Ben Nicholson-Smith pointed out in the previous linked article,
the Giants already have a pretty crowded infield, though Renteria could find
playing time given how none of those infielders (except Freddy Sanchez)
played well enough in 2010 to have firm claims on starting jobs next year.
Renteria himself, of course, hit just .276/.332/.374 in 267 regular season
plate appearances before catching fire in the World Series. Whereas Burrell
literally took a hometown discount, Renteria could accept the smaller
contract to remain with the team that has already brought him one
championship ring and should contend again in 2011.
作者: toya123 (雷姆在我床上 閉嘴)   2010-02-11 13:01:00
XD 季後賽限定
作者: mark30204 (太多..太多了...)   2010-02-11 13:32:00
1M也太低了 好歹是世界大賽冠軍的大功臣
作者: hassanstar (台灣包莖哥)   2010-02-11 13:32:00
作者: clkdtm32 (愷愷)   2010-02-11 13:35:00
作者: simonown (白羊與蛾)   2010-02-11 13:40:00
Pat Burrell $1M、Renteria $1M....這.....
作者: keroro01 (PTT重度使用者)   2010-02-11 13:41:00
Crawford 18M 美東獨立聯盟 XD
作者: detinge15 (Elmo)   2010-02-11 13:52:00
作者: okinawa8 (ekao)   2010-02-11 14:01:00
作者: chancewen (閒人亂逛)   2010-02-11 14:15:00
作者: viva304 (blackmore)   2010-02-11 14:18:00
作者: wangfan3 (阿前)   2010-02-11 14:25:00
作者: asdfzx (nbtgf)   2010-02-11 14:33:00
Burrell 2 rings,Renteria 2 rings,so $1M both.....
作者: tetsufuu (尊爵7號軟包)   2010-02-11 15:21:00
作者: silentk (Maybe...)   2010-02-11 16:15:00
作者: EEERRIICC (大尾魯蛇)   2010-02-11 16:27:00
1M可以啦XD 季後再出來打
作者: leonyan   2010-02-11 16:31:00
作者: BlitzX   2010-02-11 16:35:00
= =不要再問mm了好嗎
作者: inebriety (酩酊)   2010-02-11 16:39:00
.....這也太酷了吧 1M
作者: frank47147 (少朋)   2010-02-11 17:58:00
作者: Tulowitzki2 (圖喏)   2010-02-11 18:19:00
我們最便宜!! http://tinyurl.com/24llea3
作者: externaload (Vision of disorder)   2010-02-11 18:22:00
MM=million money 別一直問好嗎
作者: Hotsheep (魍魎)   2010-02-11 18:26:00
作者: bonjour10019 (Keynes)   2010-02-11 18:52:00
問又怎麼了嗎? 不懂就問啊?
作者: wang7752 (^^b)   2010-02-11 18:57:00
MM這問題老早就出現過了 代表根本沒先查就問
作者: uranusjr (←這人是超級笨蛋)   2010-02-11 19:07:00
既然又出現了我就再講一次吧, MM 是錯誤用法, 請不要使用Millon Money 文法不通, 羅馬數字 M = 1000, MM = M 平方
作者: uranusjr (←這人是超級笨蛋)   2010-02-11 19:08:00
根本不合規定 (羅馬數字 MM 是兩千)
作者: Tulowitzki2 (圖喏)   2010-02-11 19:10:00
作者: Purekim (噗金)   2010-02-11 20:16:00
Burrell也拿1M阿XDD 傻賓: 來喔來喔 1M玩到底~~
作者: songga0909 (Ryan)   2010-02-11 20:18:00
作者: Tulowitzki2 (圖喏)   2010-02-11 20:25:00
作者: Tulowitzki2 (圖喏)   2010-02-11 20:28:00
#1B5s1MgD (MLB) 系列文查不到?
作者: my90181 (Vergil)   2010-02-11 20:58:00
作者: mess0706 (我不是劉正 我是劉正倫)   2010-02-11 21:25:00
作者: npbmlb (穩紮穩打成穩拿)   2010-02-11 21:33:00
作者: yamatai (迴避性人格障礙症)   2010-02-11 22:04:00
1M NYY可以簽去當內野工具人 XDDD
作者: Reddick5566 (紅狄克)   2010-02-11 22:25:00
/mm 明明就有= = 不要把自己的偷懶怪罪在別人身上
作者: niravaabhas (挨滴貨)   2010-02-11 22:41:00
這裡不是棒球版 自己先做些功課吧...
作者: yeng1217 (σ`∀′) ゚∀゚)σ)   2010-02-11 23:12:00
作者: lowPHkiller (酸哥)   2010-02-12 03:09:00
可憐 MVP都被這樣對待 老年錯了嗎
作者: yuenwwjd (嘿嘿)   2010-02-12 19:05:00
作者: MingXDD (一流雜碎)   2010-02-13 17:06:00

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