charliee (Double E)
2011-02-22 11:28:50No, that’s not the start of a joke. It’s just a report from this past weekend
, according to TMZ:
Sheen tells us … in addition to flying in SF Giants pitcher Brian
“The Beard” Wilson on his jet from Arizona to L.A. … Charlie also imported
Kenny Lofton, Todd Zeile, Eddie Murray, Lenny Dykstra and others.
We’re told Pete Rose was supposed to show … but got stuck somewhere and
couldn’t make it. Charlie says he assembled the crew to screen his classic
flick, “Major League” … and he even brought in the writer and director,
David S. Ward, to give an introduction in Charlie’s private theater.
上週末巨人隊的鬍子哥Brian Wilson跟惡名昭彰的查理辛共同出遊。
查理辛近日澄清他把Brian Wilson從亞歷桑納用專機運到洛杉磯的原因是因為
要邀約他一同觀賞查理辛的成名作-大聯盟。同行的還有Kenny Lofton, Todd Zeile,
Eddie Murray, Lenny Dykstra以及其他(前)大聯盟球星。查理辛表示,本來
Peter Rose也要來的。除了一幫球星之外,查理辛還邀請了當年電影大聯盟的導演