[外電] 報告:道奇缺錢

作者: poplc   2011-05-05 10:42:26
Reports: Dodgers lack payroll funds
Major League Baseball believes the Los Angeles Dodgers do not have enough
money to make their end of May payroll, according to multiple reports.
The Los Angeles Times first reported that the Dodgers lacked the cash to make
their May 31 payroll.
If the Dodgers fail to cover, the league would foot the bill and could seize
the team from owner Frank McCourt, according to the newspaper.
"The fact that we had obligations coming due in 2011 was no surprise to us
and no surprise to Major League Baseball," McCourt said in a statement to The
Associated Press.
根據多份報告,MLB相信LAD沒錢。Los Angeles Times是第一個報導道奇缺錢且付不出五月
底球員薪水的媒體。根據報紙,如果道奇沒錢,聯盟將代替Frank McCourt接管球隊並且負
McCourt has publicly complained commissioner Bud Selig has refused to approve
a 17-year contract with Fox that could be worth more than $3 billion, a deal
that would include a front-loaded payment of about $300 million.
"We developed a plan which eventually became the Fox transaction. We've been
working on that plan, in different versions, for the last six months,"
McCourt said. "That is a transaction that is now completely negotiated, ready
to be signed, and ready to be closed. It's the series of delays in allowing
us to close this transaction that has created the problem here. Otherwise,
there would be no problem here. My recent investment into the club was
necessitated by the delay."
McCourt 公開抱怨Bud Selig拒絕福斯所提供的17年超過30億的合約內容,其中包含先支付
The commissioner's office effectively took control of the team on April 20,
and former Texas Rangers president Tom Schieffer was appointed the team's
monitor six days later by Selig. Schieffer must approve any transaction of
more than $5,000.
Based on its Opening-Day payroll of $103.8 million, the Dodgers' payroll for
its major league roster in the second half of May will be approximately $8.25
million. The figure includes 16 days' salary, but not any signing bonus
payments that happen to fall due.
4月20號,Selig官方接管球隊,委任遊騎兵前總裁Tom Schieffer負責監督6天,任何超過
McCourt, involved in a contentious divorce, took a $30 million loan from Fox,
the team's television partner, in the weeks leading up to Selig's decision to
appoint a monitor. Baseball was concerned that McCourt was removing assets
from the franchise, once considered one of the premier teams in the sport.
McCourt has publicly complained Selig has refused to approve a 17-year
contract with Fox that could be worth more than $3 billion, a deal that would
include a front-loaded payment of about $300 million.
Meanwhile, McCourt, while taking calls from listeners Tuesday on the "Mason &
Ireland" show on ESPN 710 AM, denied that he took more than $100 million out
of the team's coffers to fund a lavish lifestyle for himself and his
estranged wife, Jamie.
McCourt除了公開對Selig表示不爽外,星期二在ESPN台"Mason & Ireland"的節目上,鄭重
否認他從球隊裡摸走1億多的資金,拿這錢去過奢華生活和應付分居的老婆 Jamie

In an answer to a caller identified only as "Ken from Newport," who asked
McCourt why he took, in Ken's words, $127 million out of the team's revenues
for personal use, McCourt said that wasn't true. Instead, he said he and
Jamie McCourt have taken a total of $100 million for personal use in the
seven years since they bought the team in 2004, and that most of that didn't
come from the team.
"It's just not true," McCourt said. "Let me tell you what happened. During
the seven years ... approximately $100 million, if you tally it all up, went
to me and my wife. Let's talk about it in terms of what it was. It was made
up of $5 million per year that went to me ... not from the Dodgers but from
my overall business. Another $2 million per year went to my wife while she
was president of the Dodgers. That five plus two is $7 million a year ... and
if you multiply that by seven years, that comes to half of $100 million
roughly, $49 million.
"The other $50 million of the $100 million was a loan taken out on real
estate, again not from the team at all, and it was a loan that has to be paid
一位"Ken from Newport"的摳應兄問McCourt:
McCourt說的重點就是自2004買下球隊,他與老婆Jamie McCourt七年才花1億而已,而且大
Asked by one of the hosts about the number of houses he and Jamie purchased
before their separation, McCourt admitted that he lived "an excessive
lifestyle," something he subtly but unmistakeably blamed on his former wife.
"It wasn't sustainable, and it was unhealthy as far as I'm concerned,"
McCourt said. "I am living in a one-bedroom place [now]. Looking around, I
know a lot of people have it a lot worse than I do, but I don't need a lot of
houses and I don't need all these things. This [divorce] has been great for
me because before I came to L.A., I didn't have all this stuff. I don't need
it now, and I don't need it moving forward. I made a lifestyle decision, and
it was to not live that way anymore.
"I'm not married anymore either, guys, and that is all I'll say."
McCourt's "one-bedroom place," according to multiple sources, is at the posh
Montage resort in Beverly Hills.
McCourt also acknowledged a suggestion by one of the hosts that he would
stand to make a considerable profit if he were to sell the team, but he said
he doesn't intend to do so.
"There is no question ... we would sell at a lot more money than I paid for
it," McCourt said. "It would be a big profit, but I'm not here for a big
profit. I am here for the reason I have said I am here since the day I
arrived. Did I get moved sideways a little bit? Yes, I did. Am I responsible?
Yes, I am. Am I sorry? Yes, I am. I love the game, I love the community, I
love the team. It would be an easy decision for me to take the money and run,
but I'm not going to make the easy decision. I'm going to fulfill the
promises I made to the fans."
McCourt 表示:『毫無疑問,賣球隊賺的錢比我支付薪水還多的多,而且將會是很大筆的
McCourt acknowledged that public sentiment has turned largely against him,
but he blamed that on the fact that, at the request of his four sons, he has
kept his public statements to a minimum during his divorce, preventing him
from defending himself against a slew of criticism from the media.
"In this day and age, if you don't defend yourself when people are saying
stuff about you, some of it sticks," McCourt said. "It is very clear to me
that some of this has stuck because I was silent. Sometimes, people read that
silence as not caring or arrogance or maybe that it's true. That is why I now
will be speaking regularly and clearing the air."
McCourt 承認社會已經對他極度反感,但他怪罪於他的四個小孩要求他需在離婚事件保持
McCourt 表示:『在我這年紀,如果你不保護自己,某些人就會老說些屁話來嗆你,更清
作者: uggla (~我是毒蠍子~)   2011-05-05 10:45:00
付不出薪水 = ="
作者: cloudyst (水中沙)   2011-05-05 10:45:00
把球員清清賣賣 換一些拿底薪的吧 好幾位賣相很好
作者: uggla (~我是毒蠍子~)   2011-05-05 10:46:00
作者: Sechslee (キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━!!)   2011-05-05 10:50:00
作者: immortalqq (大牛)   2011-05-05 11:01:00
這傢伙回答問題避重就輕 太扯了
作者: zzxzero (zzx)   2011-05-05 11:04:00
跟某黃色隊好像 賣掉能一大筆 死不賣 付出不薪水
作者: iso903306 (要發達)   2011-05-05 11:12:00
賣掉可以現拿一大筆 但是不賣每年一年賺個幾千萬鎂 又
作者: iso903306 (要發達)   2011-05-05 11:14:00
長期平均報酬率那麼好 哪裡捨著賣
作者: animos   2011-05-05 11:16:00
Christ Rock: their team has no money Dave!
作者: ckbaboon (救救北極熊)   2011-05-05 11:19:00
作者: chienyulin (劍魚)   2011-05-05 11:21:00
Mark Cuban快買啊
作者: asd25 (別鬧了)   2011-05-05 11:27:00
作者: keroro01 (PTT重度使用者)   2011-05-05 11:36:00
作者: krajicek (回憶比真實精彩)   2011-05-05 12:29:00
作者: pokey (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)   2011-05-05 13:14:00
借轉道奇板 謝謝
作者: gorhow (☑一日牛迷)   2011-05-05 13:14:00
道奇怎不學中職 不排除解散 XD
作者: woodgatel (woodgatel)   2011-05-05 13:52:00
作者: acesslai (acess)   2011-05-05 13:57:00
作者: zaipinl (謝天)   2011-05-05 15:02:00
作者: sd5566 (SD)   2011-05-05 15:46:00
傻子 給球員當股東 這樣可以要求一起共體時艱
作者: yamatai (迴避性人格障礙症)   2011-05-05 16:12:00
作者: prereality (大鼠買一送一)   2011-05-05 18:07:00
跟中職一樣? 沒錢和不肯花錢是不一樣的
作者: RollingWave (Lost in the Dark)   2011-05-05 18:31:00
把Either 賣給巨人然後從東京巨人換個外野..(疑)
作者: killer0812 (風幻)   2011-05-05 20:51:00
作者: education (打擊出去 外野手退退退退)   2011-05-05 20:54:00
對呀 不是年薪制嗎 怎會分月發
作者: IronChef (Schadenfreude)   2011-05-05 22:39:00
作者: holabear (正宗‧白爛北極熊)   2011-05-05 23:00:00
簽年薪制拿平均的月薪啊 怎麼可能年薪制一年拿一次

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