[外電] 對Eric Hosmer上大聯盟的看法

作者: poplc   2011-05-07 12:54:10
Thoughts on the Eric Hosmer Promotion
by John Sickels on May 6, 2011 12:15 PM
Additional Thoughts on Eric Hosmer
There seems to be a split among Kansas City Royals fans about the promotion
of Eric Hosmer. Some think it is crazy and short-sighted, others think it is
a wise move. Here is my position.
First, some points of clarification.
關於Eric Hosmer的一些心得
皇家球迷對於Eric Hosmer升級有些分歧的看法。某些人認為此舉白爛短視,某些人則認
Point One: I'm a Twins fan, not a Royals fan. I follow the Royals very
closely because I live nearby, but I'm not a particular fan of the team. I
don't hate them either, but I don't have an emotional concern here. I don't
have Hosmer on a fantasy team,
Point Two: I am generally against rushing players, and I think most players
benefit from a full year at each level. This is not a hard-and-fast rule that
applies to everyone, but I think it is a useful guideline. I would rather be
too conservative about promoting a player than too aggressive.
Point Three: As a GM, I think Dayton Moore has done a lot of things right in
terms of building the farm system, drafting well, and (most importantly)
convincing ownership to actually put money into the team. It's amazing what
your scouts can do when you actually have the resources for player
development, which was the biggest problem in KC previously. On the negative
side, many of Moore's moves on the major league roster haven't worked well,
and in my view there seems to be an excessive fetish for ex-Braves in the
Overall, it's a mixed picture, but the organization is certainly in
better shape than it was five years ago. I'm neither a basher nor a booster,
and am quite willing to see how "the process" works out. Maybe it is just
easier for me to take that approach since I'm not emotionally invested, but
that's the way I see it.
第三點:作為總管,我認為Dayton Moore在打造農場系統方面有很多好評,除了選秀選得
而 Moore的負評是在大聯盟名冊上搞的許多舉動實在有點鳥,在我看來大家
Point Four: I have been pro-Kila Ka'aihue, possibly because I've been
watching the guy play in the minors for many years at the A, AA, and AAA
levels. I've seen him at his worst, locked in a long slump, his swing messed
up, unable to handle either good fastballs or breaking stuff. I've also seen
him at his best, when his swing is working well and he's destroying everything
thrown his way. I still think he's capable of hitting enough to be useful in
the majors, and that 326 plate appearances spread out over three seasons isn't
a true test of his ability, especially given that he often needs adjustment
time at new levels. Given enough playing time, I think he would figure thing
out well enough to be at least a useful complementary platoon bat.
第四點:我是比較支持 Kila Ka'aihue啦,大概是因為這傢伙打小聯盟時,我就一路看他
從A 到AA最後爬到3A等級。我曾經看到他臉上寫我好慘,不只長期處在低潮,揮
大聯盟是夠用的,過去三季打了 326個PA不夠顯示他的能力,特別是在高階你必
Point Five: I think promoting Eric Hosmer is the right thing to do for team.
The major league team is playing decently. Even if they win just 85 games,
that could be enough to contend for the division title this year. There is a
morale factor to consider here: the organization itself is tired of losing
and the fan base entered the season rather demoralized and impatient.
The front office is well-aware of this factor (Moore made that point to
me himself this spring), and even a .500 season would go a long way towards
boosting spirits in the city and the front office.
Hosmer, right now, is unlikely to be weaker with the bat than Kila
currently is, has a good chance to be better, and is a superior defensive
player. If the Royals were in last place and had no chance to compete, then
sure, you're screwed anyway, so give Kila another 300 at-bats to see if he
can figure things out. But that's not the situation right now. They have a
chance to be decent this year, and Hosmer is more likely to help them stay
that way than Kila is, as it currently stands.
第五點:我認為把Eric Hosmer 拉上來對球團來說是對的。這支大聯盟球隊目前打的還不
在會靠北。那麼順便再給Kila 300個打數看看他是否可以脫離低潮吧!不過現在
Point Six: There are two reasons not to promote Hosmer: if you think it would
harm his long-term development, and money, and I don't think either of these
issues overrides point five.
Hosmer is destroying Triple-A. Everything I'm hearing about his
performance indicates that it isn't a fluke, and that the Pacific Coast
League doesn't have much left to teach him about hitting. I am generally
opposed to rushing players, and I think that most players benefit from a full
season at each level. But there are exceptions, and Hosmer looks like one to
me. I don't think bringing him to the majors now is a significant risk to his
As for the money issue, we don't know if the whole "super-two" service
time issue will even be a factor once the new Basic Agreement comes into
play. Even if it does, if Hosmer turns out to be as good as expected, you're
going to have to pay him the big bucks, anyway. If the team plays well this
year, the club's finances will improve anyhow. I am generally very much an
advocate of long-term thinking, but if bringing Hosmer up now increases my
chance to contend this year, then I'm not going to worry so much about what
the team's salary structure is going to look like in 2015.
且Pacific Coast League已經沒東西可以敎他打擊了。基本上我反對倉促拉
My basic conclusion is this: given all these factors, balancing the long-term
and short-term needs of the organization, and even as a person who is
pro-Kila, I would promote Hosmer, too.
I would then turn my attention to
1) Finding someone to replace Kyle Davies, who is just not going to improve.
I AM averse to promoting Dan Duffy too quickly, and don't want to see Duffy
up before mid-July.
2) Finding some additional outfield depth; Gordon, Cabrera, and Francoeur
won't stay hot forever, especially if you keep playing them every single day
3) Disabuse myself of the notion that Jason Kendall has anything left in the
tank, and look for some catching. Luke May and Manuel Pina at Omaha aren't
the answer.
4) Drafting Bubba Starling
1.找個人取代不長進的Kyle Davies,我也反對太快拉Dan Duffy,起碼
3)反省自己關於Jason Kendall還有壓箱寶的錯誤觀念,找一些捕手吧
。在Omaha的Luke May和Manuel Pina並不是答案。
4)把Bubba Starling選進來
作者: uglyduck92 (醜小鴨92)   2011-05-07 12:55:00
作者: seeyou1002 (尋找冬日最高)   2011-05-07 12:55:00
作者: oopsmamamiya ((˙(∞)˙))   2011-05-07 12:59:00
作者: ueu72312 (躲在角落畫圈圈)   2011-05-07 13:50:00
作者: Vierro (卡卡)   2011-05-07 14:12:00
沉寂了這麼多年 農場要收割了麼?
作者: steeldeck (木耳)   2011-05-07 17:25:00
作者: searoar (暗坑大豆)   2011-05-07 20:07:00
作者: jason12308 (皇家禮炮21年)   2011-05-07 20:18:00
作者: gm79227922 (mr.r)   2011-05-07 22:05:00
看到Kila BABIP有.255 打擊率卻只有.195 就知道是他太
作者: abc2090614 (casperxdd)   2011-05-07 23:31:00
platoon bat為啥會翻成輔助棒啊...雖然不知道中文怎說
作者: darksign (離雲)   2011-05-08 16:39:00
it's amazing what your scout can do 那段,是在說當球團願意投資的時候,你會訝異於球探可以做多少事情
作者: Sechslee (キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━!!)   2011-05-08 20:33:00
超級二年級生? 因為兩年就能薪資仲裁了 一般要三年

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