tiger25 (克里夫)
2011-08-04 01:19:05※ 引述《seanfu (seanfu)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《Exusiai (做研究就是一直打哥不林)》之銘言:
: : 如題
: : 已經忘記是在哪看過的一句話 印象中是個很冷靜的投手說的
: : 大意好像是說:
: : 「無論何時,把每一場比賽,都當作是例行賽。」
: : 請問各位這是李維拉講過的話嗎? 想知道其原文為何
: : (我估狗半天都找不到)
: : 懇請板友解答<(_ _)>
: Huston Street用一段話 形容他的工作
: Every kid who has dreamed of being a baseball player has stood in his front
: yard with a bat and said to himself, "Bottom of the ninth, Game 7 of the
: World Series, the bases are loaded," and then envisioned hitting a home run
: to win the game. My job is to shatter that dream
" I am good with calculation "