MLB announces 2011 postseason schedule
Major League Baseball on Wednesday released its schedule for the 2011
postseason, which will begin on Sept. 30, with Game 1 of the World Series
scheduled to start Oct. 19.
Both American League Division Series will kick off the 2011 postseason on
Sept. 30, a Friday. It marks the first time since the 1915 World Series that
postseason play will begin on a Friday. Both National League Division Series
begin the following day, Oct. 1, which will feature games from each of the
four playoff series.
Both Game 5s, if necessary, are scheduled for Oct. 7. All Division Series
games will be broadcast on TBS and its sister networks, when necessary.
The American League Championship Series, once again on FOX, will begin Oct.
8. Game 7, if necessary will be played Oct. 16. The NLCS, televised on TBS,
will begin Oct. 9 with Game 7 to be played Oct. 17, if necessary.
Game 1 of the 107th Fall Classic will be Wednesday, Oct. 19, in the NL city.
Game 3, the first contest in the AL city, will be played Oct. 22. Game 7 will
be played in the NL city on Oct. 27, if necessary.
Oct. 21 and Oct. 25 are the scheduled off-days during the World Series.
All World Series games will be broadcast on FOX with ESPN Radio providing
live national coverage throughout the postseason.
MLB 官方公佈了 2011 年季後賽的時程表 今年將在 9.30 (美國時間) 點燃戰火
世界大賽的部份則是在 10.19 開打 今年則是連續兩年由國聯享有世界大賽主場優勢
分區系列賽部份 今年由美聯率先於 9.30 開打 當天則是星期五 這也是自從 1915 年
世界大賽以來第一次季後賽在週五開打 而國聯則是在隔天 10.01 開打 如果有要打到
第五場的話 兩聯盟統一在 10.07 開打 今年所有的分區系列賽由 TBS 直播
聯盟冠軍戰部分 美聯將在 10.08 開打 如果需要打第七場 則是在 10.16 開打
今年 ALCS 將由 FOX 電視網直播
國聯部分則是在 10.09 開打 如果需要打第七場 則是在 10.17 開打
至於 NLCS 轉播部份則是由 TBS 直播
第 107 屆世界大賽的部份 將在 10.19 周三在國聯的城市點燃戰火 Game 3 則是在
10.22 在美聯的城市開打 如果需要打第七戰 將在 10.27 於國聯的城市舉行
10.21 和 10.25 是移動日 轉播則是由 FOX 電視網以及 ESPN 電台轉播
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