user043 (朝夢想邁進)
2011-10-29 19:28:09德州遊騎兵 (TEX) VS 聖路易紅雀 (STL) (2 : 6)
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http://bit.ly/uTzoeB http://atmlb.com/rMCUPK Freese on being named MVP
http://bit.ly/vizFLz http://atmlb.com/tjPcD1 Nail sings during stretch
http://bit.ly/sGw5L5 http://atmlb.com/vs56MT Pujols on 2011 title
http://bit.ly/vNVq3U http://atmlb.com/siaXrV Carpenter reacts to title
http://bit.ly/vjQ41T http://atmlb.com/rRaNbC Berkman on first championship
http://bit.ly/voGTay http://atmlb.com/tFzhft Washington on Game 7 loss
http://bit.ly/uhnMWW http://atmlb.com/rtJ3Zu Washington talks to FOX
http://bit.ly/saK5u2 http://atmlb.com/uLZ8Ks Motte seals Series win
http://bit.ly/rsXCUd http://atmlb.com/s8jk2k Freese receives MVP trophy
http://bit.ly/sEGtN0 http://atmlb.com/tG946z Craig on World Series title
http://bit.ly/rxPMgu http://atmlb.com/v9WhaV Motte talks about winning Series
http://bit.ly/v1OYWT http://atmlb.com/tmnx3a Cardinals presented trophy
http://bit.ly/sezun4 http://atmlb.com/sX26ZW Lynn's perfect eighth
http://bit.ly/t2rSng http://atmlb.com/uMXhHU Carpenter's strong start
http://bit.ly/ts8Kzg http://atmlb.com/uJViDa Cardinals win 2011 World Series
http://bit.ly/rM0kub http://atmlb.com/swuSaB Gonzalez's injury
http://bit.ly/tlIF2u http://atmlb.com/skFreP Pujols' strikeout
http://bit.ly/vJKori http://atmlb.com/seGy5f Cards' two-run fifth
http://bit.ly/rBRnBq http://atmlb.com/vJsS0Z Molina's RBI single
http://bit.ly/sk99Uw http://atmlb.com/tvJuNZ Molina draws walk
http://bit.ly/sgRxaH http://atmlb.com/rPGDI1 Washington credits Cardinals
http://bit.ly/sAQyFg http://atmlb.com/vougsK Rangers walk six
http://bit.ly/rX0AXD http://atmlb.com/vW8RPe Pujols on Cards coming together
http://bit.ly/uJJGWY http://atmlb.com/w3PBYA Reaction to final out
http://bit.ly/sb9rhP http://atmlb.com/uyjF7h Wilson's relief appearance
http://bit.ly/snDs9l http://atmlb.com/s7inHU Furcal's two hits
http://bit.ly/uTz0Ua http://atmlb.com/sldlH4 Rhodes' relief appearance
http://bit.ly/tTaQwj http://atmlb.com/v5Ch3J Dotel's scoreless relief
http://bit.ly/uEwKnN http://atmlb.com/s5UBc8 Pujols praises Freese
http://bit.ly/sqoEt1 http://atmlb.com/vFTUo1 Pujols focusing on the moment
http://bit.ly/tWOGMy http://atmlb.com/vlQsTk Pujols reflects on 2011 season
http://bit.ly/ruYnvb http://atmlb.com/sDRqAt Freese praises La Russa
http://bit.ly/s5SxdN http://atmlb.com/vLgIyi Pujols on 2011 memories
http://bit.ly/uRd6DN http://atmlb.com/sOK8Lx Carpenter on being a champion
http://bit.ly/tkCAiO http://atmlb.com/tdRJUa Thomas on Cardinals' title
http://bit.ly/tRNs05 http://atmlb.com/soTEBi Freese tips cap to Rangers
http://bit.ly/tHYfth http://atmlb.com/u8Loq1 Freese on first at-bat
http://bit.ly/t2d5GN http://atmlb.com/v2GjZZ La Russa on going with Carp
http://bit.ly/vmIiPg http://atmlb.com/rW0lCg Washington: No regrets
http://bit.ly/tsBG07 http://atmlb.com/tIuEHQ McGwire on Freese's clutch hits
http://bit.ly/tAywVo http://atmlb.com/ti5dB0 Wash on feelings after first
http://bit.ly/vaB3rv http://atmlb.com/sWONx7 La Russa: It's a dream come true
http://bit.ly/rxICbw http://atmlb.com/s9keQJ La Russa on never quitting
http://bit.ly/sv9qnE http://atmlb.com/tzfRAj Nelson on Carpenter's Game 7 win
http://bit.ly/rGQs8V http://atmlb.com/seIQ8m Dotel on winning World Series
http://bit.ly/vOg4gc http://atmlb.com/tGZgSv Motte on champion Cardinals
http://bit.ly/v3gZHf http://atmlb.com/vT3MxP La Russa: This one is different
http://bit.ly/tT7sCV http://atmlb.com/tTWckr La Russa on seven-game series
http://bit.ly/uuMf7P http://atmlb.com/rGdjFR La Russa on Pujols' future
http://bit.ly/v5c3zP http://atmlb.com/vlOAkb Bodley on Cardinals' 11th title
http://bit.ly/sFoLyK http://atmlb.com/uZ52Mi Recap: TEX 2, STL 6
http://bit.ly/vsIIyj http://atmlb.com/sakvE6 Wilson on coming so close
http://bit.ly/uCZPyi http://atmlb.com/uHRW0l Duquette on key fifth inning
http://bit.ly/ty1R7i http://atmlb.com/rRh2rh Holland on Rangers' pitching
http://bit.ly/s0ApMP http://atmlb.com/uAEzyw Young on healing process
http://bit.ly/uHapJV http://atmlb.com/rQSErm Cards on teammates' first ring
http://bit.ly/vMqdcZ http://atmlb.com/uD9C1o Wilson on future plans
http://bit.ly/sS1eiI http://atmlb.com/tw4UsX Rangers on Series loss
http://bit.ly/u3JmRM http://atmlb.com/vCgzv3 Rangers Daniels on Series loss
http://bit.ly/rzo8GX http://atmlb.com/tXVCeQ Hamilton on World Series loss
http://bit.ly/tzZwtt http://atmlb.com/t6R2em Mozeliak on Cards' title win
http://bit.ly/uJfy0t http://atmlb.com/s2Nxhs Berkman's thoughts after Game 7
http://bit.ly/tOWSsz http://atmlb.com/s6QPwi Craig on World Series win
http://bit.ly/uoXUGA http://atmlb.com/si2h9f Carpenter on World Series win
http://bit.ly/uOqjus http://atmlb.com/uh30C8 DeWitt Jr. on Cards' title win
http://bit.ly/rVeSoS http://atmlb.com/sxCzou Pujols on World Series win
http://bit.ly/u7Bxzt http://atmlb.com/sJeoUl Freese on MVP, Series title
http://bit.ly/tgtvHk http://atmlb.com/vmyUl0 Jackson on World Series win
http://bit.ly/tNeu7v http://atmlb.com/vwJNHY Garcia believed in teammates
http://bit.ly/tkc6lt http://atmlb.com/uxwAHk Jay talks about World Series win
http://bit.ly/sU69XU http://atmlb.com/rTLQSt Rhodes on World Series win
http://bit.ly/ugHVz0 http://atmlb.com/vph1kL Holliday on World Series win
http://bit.ly/tpIQ81 http://atmlb.com/vydZC2 Cards talk about title win
>>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<<<
http://bit.ly/sFoLyK http://atmlb.com/uZ52Mi Recap: TEX 2, STL 6
http://bit.ly/tkjM5j http://atmlb.com/s8pmkS 2011-10-29 Daily Dash
http://bit.ly/sy71ya http://atmlb.com/sI60ZF 2011-10-29 Top 5 Plays of the Day
http://bit.ly/runnPt http://atmlb.com/vRfZTl 2011-10-28 Top 5 Plays of the Day
http://bit.ly/rT7bEd http://atmlb.com/vdvX9F 2011-10-29 快速掃瞄
http://bit.ly/tkjM5j http://atmlb.com/s8pmkS 2011-10-29 守備精華
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http://bit.ly/vuXSTH http://atmlb.com/tmon1b 10/28/11 CG: TEX@STL WS GM 7
恭喜憤怒鳥 ...
PeaceWu (In起來)
0000-00-00 00:00:00推
作者: ps20012001 (開始想明年新計畫) 0000-00-00 00:00:00
推....閣下 今年也辛苦了....
porten812 (節能.減碳.發優文)
0000-00-00 00:00:00推
chiufat (我擁有信念...)
0000-00-00 00:00:00推 您辛苦了
eddy1216 (中華隊加油!)
0000-00-00 00:00:00辛苦了!!!
作者: tn751218 0000-00-00 00:00:00
pujolsX (?????)
0000-00-00 00:00:00推!!!
作者: gravyorplain 0000-00-00 00:00:00
PUSH and thanks^^
S80 (認真專業你就輸了)
0000-00-00 00:00:00感謝您 您辛苦了 :)
kilo (好命要懂得珍惜~~)
0000-00-00 00:00:00非常感謝您的影片
作者: fuan791013 (五成七八) 0000-00-00 00:00:00