cozbang (喀滋~碰)
2011-10-31 10:58:34@LoMoMarlins
Logan Morrison
Called down 2 front desk & told them Im pretty sure theres a monster
under my bed. Theyre "sending someone right up". I love Taiwan already!
10 小時前 透過 Twitterrific
LaTroy Hawkins
Standing in front of T 101 about head in only the food court is open
※ 引述《Herlin (性感豬豬)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)》之銘言:
: : 鼻要這麼認真啦 來點輕鬆的
: : from Logan Morrison's twitter (LoMoMarlins, 這傢伙是球員圈玩twitter的大咖)
: : "McKeon asked me what I had going on tonite. Told him I was going home 2 play
: : w/ Twitter. He replied "oh, what kind of dog is it?""
: : 翻譯米糕: MeKeon 老爺問他贏球後晚上要幹嘛. LoMo說要回家然後玩twitter.
: : 老爺回了: "哦? twitter? 那是哪種狗?"
: : McKeon 老爺真的不知道 twitter 的可能性...
: 最近他老兄的twitter 名言(大概一星期前吧)
: Logan Morrison:
: Whenever I Google a girl I know, I always put the word "naked" after their
: name. Just in case...
: http://twitter.com/#!/LoMoMarlins/status/127525298542612480