"It's very simple," Boras said. "We never rejected any offer from
Philadelphia at four years and $44 million. We advised Philadelphia that we
would agree to such a proposal. And Philadelphia decided upon hearing that to
go in a different direction."
When pressed for details on the discussions, Boras reiterated, "We agreed to
a four-year, $44 million offer, and Philadelphia decided to sign someone
Bora$ 表示:我們怎麼會拒絕費城 4y/ $44M 這種大肥約呢?
"There's no reason for me to get into a public debate with Scott on this,"
Amaro said. "I have no desire to do that. All I can tell you is, there was
never an agreement, and we decided that we wanted to sign someone with the
experience and the ability of Jonathan Papelbon. So we went that route.
"There's no question we had discussions with Ryan about bringing him back. We
had several discussions about it. But no agreement was made. If we had come
to an agreement, we would have signed him. ''
Ruben 表示:懶得跟他吵,壓根沒有任何協議。然後我們才決定要簽寶貝碰的。
Bora$ 又被擺了一道??