[討論] Cole Hamels

作者: SeungYeon (我愛勝妍)   2012-01-19 15:15:42
Cole Hamels跟費城人簽下15M/Y 這是最後一年仲裁 2012球季結束會成為FA
以他的年紀跟成績 平均接近20M/Y的長約應該可以預期的吧
經紀人是沒講到底他的客戶值得拿到多少的合約 不過也不會考慮類似織織的5Y/85M
費城GM Ruben Amaro Jr.只說會繼續跟經紀人協商試著簽下一份長約綁住他
Cole Hamels今年28歲 生涯ERA+ 126 又是左投 大家覺得他可能拿到多大的合約呢~
Agent expects 'elite' contract for Hamels
One contract watch is over for Cole Hamels and another is just beginning.
Hamels and the Phillies avoided an arbitration hearing when they agreed to a
one-year, $15 million contract on Tuesday
The Phillies already had control of Hamels’ rights for 2012. The only
mystery was how much of a raise would he get from the $9.5 million he made in
2011. Now that the numbers are official, things are about to get really
interesting for Hamels and the Phils.
The 28-year-old lefty will be eligible for free agency at the end of the 2012
season and the big question is: Will he become the Phils’ next
$20-million-per-year talent, joining Ryan Howard, Cliff Lee and Roy Halladay
in that stratosphere?
Agent John Boggs would not put a number on his client’s value on Tuesday
night, but he sure made it sound as if that’s what it’s going to take for
the Phillies to retain Hamels beyond 2012.
“At the appropriate time, Cole is looking to be compensated as one of the
premier left-handed pitchers in baseball,” Boggs said in a telephone
interview from his San Diego office. “Without putting a number on it, we’ll
leave it at the fact that he’s an elite pitcher. Look and see what elite
pitchers are compensated with. Hopefully at the end of the day we’ll be able
to get something done with the Phillies that will reflect that.”
A quick look at some of the top lefties in baseball shows a number of
contracts with average annual values of at least $20 million. One of them
belongs to Lee, whose AAV is $24 million.
While Boggs did not want to put a specific number on Hamels’ value, he made
it clear that he does not consider Jered Weaver’s five-year, $85 million
contract with the Los Angeles Angels to be a valid comparable for his client.
Weaver, who is a year older than Hamels and has similar career numbers,
signed the deal in August. It carries an AAV of $17 million.
“I don’t think it’s a parallel,” Boggs said of Weaver’s deal. “That
contract is great for Jered. I understand it. But he took a different path
and left a lot of money on the table. He came up through the Angels system
and grew up in their backyard. He’s pitching where he grew up. That
situation appeals to him. It’s a similar situation to when I had Tony Gwynn.
“Without getting into specifics of what we’re looking for, the Weaver
situation is unique to Weaver.”
So the Phils would appear to have their work cut out for them in their quest
to retain Hamels longterm. General manager Ruben Amaro Jr. does not talk
about the specifics of contract negotiations, but he did say he will continue
to speak with Boggs and try to get a longterm deal done. Boggs said he was
planning to visit with Amaro during spring training in Clearwater. The Phils
have exclusive negotiating rights with Hamels until five days after the 2012
World Series, and Boggs said he hadn’t considered setting any deadlines.
If Hamels stays healthy in 2012 and continues to improve – he had a
career-best 2.79 ERA and finished fifth in NL Cy Young voting in 2011 – he
will have plenty of suitors on the free-agent market. But his preference at
this time is to get something done with the team that drafted him in 2002.
“When you’re this close [to free-agency] you have mixed emotions,” Boggs
said. “But Cole has come through the Phillies organization, and if you asked
him his preference, more than likely he’d want to remain with the Phillies.
That’s how it would be going into the negotiations, but every negotiation is
different. Everything depends on our perceived value of what Cole is worth
and what their perceived value of him is. That will dictate if a long-term
deal gets done. We’ll always give the Phillies every opportunity to secure
作者: AWainwright (我將再起)   2012-01-19 15:16:00
作者: dp44 (lol)   2012-01-19 15:22:00
作者: qscxz (奈米哥)   2012-01-19 15:22:00
作者: youshiuan (就是鼠)   2012-01-19 15:33:00
作者: waylouvre (pig)   2012-01-19 15:51:00
作者: funy98 (funy98)   2012-01-19 15:52:00
以Cole Hamels現在的成績,只拿Zito等級的合約還蠻便宜的~
作者: su43123 (無與倫比美麗的妳)   2012-01-19 15:57:00
作者: gdntust (阿狗)   2012-01-19 16:00:00
90M/5yrs 今年保持成績 我是總管我一定簽
作者: azlbf (上邪!我欲與君相知)   2012-01-19 16:07:00
作者: azlbf (上邪!我欲與君相知)   2012-01-19 16:08:00
作者: su43123 (無與倫比美麗的妳)   2012-01-19 16:20:00
十大擺爛我馬上想到幾個 XD
作者: sylviehsiang (Shawn)   2012-01-19 16:24:00
park pavano wells
作者: KusoPvt (先說好別打臉)   2012-01-19 16:25:00
作者: prereality (大鼠買一送一)   2012-01-19 16:30:00
還好啦 投手不是很流行簽五年?
作者: joseph316 (普通朋友)   2012-01-19 16:51:00
作者: autoppp (☆㊣↖☯☁☁☯↘㊣☆)   2012-01-19 17:02:00
作者: abc0922001 (中士abc)   2012-01-19 17:05:00
作者: arsia (陳阿生)   2012-01-19 17:06:00
作者: arsia (陳阿生)   2012-01-19 17:07:00
山大王被大都會這個DL魔咒害慘了 = =
作者: krizarlid (Let's Go Cubs !)   2012-01-19 17:10:00
進FA 應該會喊個6Y/120M吧
作者: transformer8 (金剛變形)   2012-01-19 17:20:00
作者: x24627785 (旅は道連れ世は情け)   2012-01-19 17:23:00
作者: evilwyh (我相信我可以。)   2012-01-19 17:52:00
17起跳 +激勵沒破20 說不過去
作者: taker627 (你馬英九嗎?)   2012-01-19 17:55:00
作者: sonnyissonny (sonny)   2012-01-19 18:27:00
回不去的神左 當年那種不算超快但夠準的速球+變速~唉
作者: redzero (小王)   2012-01-19 19:16:00
我覺得他會破20M 投球太穩了又正值28高峰
作者: SatoTakuma (鍵盤評論家)   2012-01-19 19:32:00
作者: WLR (WLR™)   2012-01-19 19:50:00
作者: tigertiger (虎虎)   2012-01-19 20:39:00
CJ丟的比他好 然後他拿20M?
作者: keroro01 (PTT重度使用者)   2012-01-19 20:41:00
薪水比較看運氣 跟實力關係沒那麼直接 看看那精美的12M..
作者: OoyaoO (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)   2012-01-19 20:46:00
作者: kikielle (This song is over)   2012-01-19 20:46:00
CJ是自己太佛心 不能拿他的約來跟黑魔使比
作者: tigertiger (虎虎)   2012-01-19 20:47:00
我是好奇CJ被一堆人嫌貴 現在又一堆人喊HAMELS要20M
作者: kikielle (This song is over)   2012-01-19 20:49:00
CJ被嫌貴根本不是實力的問題= =
作者: SlamKai (Calm Violence)   2012-01-19 20:49:00
西街比黑魔使 科科....
作者: AWainwright (我將再起)   2012-01-19 21:04:00
作者: sonnyissonny (sonny)   2012-01-19 21:09:00
真給平均一年20M的肥約 PHI該不會成為首支三位SP平均
作者: sonnyissonny (sonny)   2012-01-19 21:10:00
年薪都破20M的球隊~@@ 以往有這種大方球隊嗎? 印象中NYY BOS之類的豪門球隊好像也沒這樣過
作者: skypieadream (Lamune)   2012-01-19 21:20:00
作者: goolgo (哇)   2012-01-19 21:30:00
留費城~doc和lee都有年紀了 黒魔使留下來會變成費城的臉
作者: kenro   2012-01-19 21:31:00
作者: SlamKai (Calm Violence)   2012-01-19 21:32:00
不是會變成費城的臉 而是早已是費城的臉了...
作者: tigertiger (虎虎)   2012-01-19 21:41:00
CJ這兩年WAR 10.5 HAMELS 8.6 一年差了一勝...
作者: tigertiger (虎虎)   2012-01-19 21:42:00
作者: WuAShan (是誰住在深海大鳳梨裡)   2012-01-19 21:43:00
作者: SlamKai (Calm Violence)   2012-01-19 21:50:00
年紀差三歲 固定先發也是近年的事 真的比較強?有帶觀察吧待
作者: kikielle (This song is over)   2012-01-19 22:02:00
樓上說到重點了 有些人可能覺得合約只看數據吧
作者: waylouvre (pig)   2012-01-19 22:36:00
作者: goury   2012-01-19 22:46:00
作者: echomica (長崎美人)   2012-01-19 22:47:00
既然都查了數據 也該知道Hamels威了幾年 CJ只先發幾年吧?
作者: goury   2012-01-19 22:50:00
作者: jimmihg (TheKing)   2012-01-19 22:52:00
拿CJ比? CJ沒人趕出大手筆的原因在於傷病史,還有他轉先發
作者: jimmihg (TheKing)   2012-01-19 22:53:00
作者: jimmihg (TheKing)   2012-01-19 22:54:00
作者: jimmihg (TheKing)   2012-01-19 22:55:00
作者: goury   2012-01-19 22:59:00
作者: SlamKai (Calm Violence)   2012-01-19 23:01:00
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2012-01-19 23:05:00
CJ不能跟黑魔使比 原因不在實力這件事情上...
作者: jimmihg (TheKing)   2012-01-19 23:07:00
作者: jimmihg (TheKing)   2012-01-19 23:08:00
作者: jimmihg (TheKing)   2012-01-19 23:09:00
作者: jimmihg (TheKing)   2012-01-19 23:10:00
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2012-01-19 23:10:00
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2012-01-19 23:11:00
很訝異... 畢竟5年可能是CJ最後一份大約... 但對Hamels而言,就算他簽這五年,他還可能接下一份大約...這樣想你就知道為甚
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2012-01-19 23:12:00
麼 CJ 不能跟 Hamels 比了...我認為合理評估要下單Hamels 的,會端一份七年合約出來跟他談
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2012-01-19 23:14:00
作者: Tulowitzki2 (圖喏)   2012-01-19 23:21:00
作者: jimmihg (TheKing)   2012-01-20 00:11:00
作者: HumanBenzene (人苯)   2012-01-20 02:06:00
作者: Betances (Dellin Betances)   2012-01-20 02:39:00
作者: ColeHamels (ColeHamels)   2012-01-20 07:58:00
作者: gunking94519   2012-01-20 10:32:00
作者: shawncarter (Duffy Huang)   2012-01-20 10:45:00
CJ的歲數 傷病史 還有累積表現 先發的資歷等都有差
作者: shawncarter (Duffy Huang)   2012-01-20 10:46:00
作者: crow0801 (multitude)   2012-01-20 22:18:00
一個是轉先發威兩年 一個是有4、5年時間證明又更年輕

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